609 participants 908 thoughts 43360 ratings #1 Masks optional. Allow choice. Something is seriously wrong with these people who treat children like vectors of disease. Let them live normal lives. Who would say something like this “ i work very close to children and would like them masked”? This is unacceptable. UNMASK THE CHILDREN! 4.3 avg rating 21 ratings #2 Kids prefer no masking Just because is acting like they are fine, if you allow them to have a voice they will tell you they are not. Kids act one way in school than at home. 4.2 avg rating 41 ratings #3 It’s not the teachers job to enforce masking compliance. Teach, that is all 4.2 avg rating 37 ratings #4 My 8th grader comes home crying because he feels defeated and beaten down every day. It should be parents and children's free choice The impact these have one our kids is immeasurable and will live on for many years. We will likely never know the true mental and health effects! 4.2 avg rating 28 ratings #5 Masks are not proven to provide protection and should be optional. There are a host of detriments to continual masking. Including increase of anxiety which leads to serious mental health issues and documented medical. 4.2 avg rating 26 ratings #6 Give our children the choice. You notice how the people who want masks insult those who want to protect everyone’s freedom. Notice how they call us selfish, but they use “I” and “me” and not “we” phrases? That should tell you all you need to know. This has never been about helping our children. 4.2 avg rating 25 ratings #7 Thank you to the district for your hard work during these hard times and for asking parent’s opinions. We appreciate it! 4.1 avg rating 60 ratings #8 Masks should be optional. Only Parents and the student's doctor know the medical history of the student and we need to keep it that way. Wear a mask if your dr says you need to 4.1 avg rating 48 ratings #9 At some point, we need to stop wearing masks when not sick. Life needs to get back to some normalcy. 4.1 avg rating 43 ratings #10 Masks should be optional. They should be optional because my 6th grade daughter has not been able to see her friends smile and that's not normal. 4.1 avg rating 37 ratings #11 Agree with optional mask usage. 4.1 avg rating 33 ratings #12 Kids can't see their friend's facial expressions. This causes anxiety and miscommunication. It's been proven they don't really protect from the virus. Give our kids unmasks friends! They'll appreciate it and reward you with laughs and smiles and communicate much better too. Unmask our kids! No Masks! 4.1 avg rating 29 ratings #13 We really appreciate all the work the school district has done to stay open for our children. Now it’s time to make masks optional. The children are suffering. It’s wrong to allow the minority to force this on the majority, just as it’s wrong for the majority to force anything else on the minority. 4.1 avg rating 19 ratings #14 the extremely loud minority on our HFL Community page seems to be overshadowed here. parents actually want CHOICE! 4.1 avg rating 17 ratings #15 Masks are pointless and studies show It effects everybody negatively 4.1 avg rating 15 ratings #16 our Community is calling for choice. make masks optional 4.1 avg rating 15 ratings #17 Parental choice Parental choice 4 avg rating 60 ratings #18 Getting vaxxed for Covid should be a choice. Until it is truly proven to be beneficial for our children it should be a choice 4 avg rating 59 ratings #19 It’s a choice of each student, staff member to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. Freedom to choose. It’s important for everyone to have autonomy over their health and well being. Personally Health privacy is essential. 4 avg rating 59 ratings #20 Other countries are lifting all covid restrictions. It’s time for the masks to go 4 avg rating 59 ratings #21 First of all the cloth mask does not work, secondly it dehumanizes the children. Masks should be optional across the board We are doing more harm than good to our students by muzzling them with a non effective mitigation strategy 4 avg rating 57 ratings #22 Wear a mask if you want, don't wear a mask if you want. Stop discussing. Let it be a choice and move on. Our children need to learn and have a stable environment. Other states are not living like this. 4 avg rating 57 ratings #23 People who prefer not to wear a mask should not have to Because it’s unconstitutional to make someone wear one of they choose not to 4 avg rating 55 ratings #24 Masks are detrimental to learning especially for younger children Fascial expressions are so important in making connections. Students are truly suffering from this sort of disconnect from their peers & teachers 4 avg rating 54 ratings #25 The psychological implications around The COVID-19 response are very concerning! This does not end until “We the People” say it ends. perpetuating mandates ineffective at stopping the spread is detrimental to our kids mental well-being, ability to breathe freely, and see faces 4 avg rating 53 ratings #26 Masks and vaccinations should be optional I got covid from a masked and vaccinated friend. My symptoms were mild and his were awful. It makes no logical sense to say I am a risk to others. 4 avg rating 46 ratings #27 No thoughts or questions. Simply don't push this on our children. They are our children it is us to decide for them. 4 avg rating 46 ratings #28 No more masks They are not stopping the virus from spreading. It should be a choice! 4 avg rating 43 ratings #29 Masks should be optional for children 4 avg rating 39 ratings #30 Masking is a barrier to speech recognition, hearing, and communication, and masks impede children’s ability to decode facial expressions. No real-world data indicates that masks decrease transmission in school settings or in any setting for that matter. 4 avg rating 36 ratings #31 Schools in other states have lower rates than what we have with no mask mandates! Teaching is the lowest of all professions to get or transfer this Disease! Stop the fear! Follow the science! Not just what the media tells you! There are at least two sides to every story! Different perspectives! 4 avg rating 36 ratings #32 Freedom of choice! 4 avg rating 35 ratings #33 I believe that masks are a violation of our students and staff's constitutional rights. In requiring our student and staff body to continue to wear masks, we are twisting and distorting the founder father's vision for our country. 4 avg rating 35 ratings #34 My youngest is struggling in school, wearing a mask. It’s affecting his learning, relationships and confidence. I want my kids to have a normal school experience with their peers. To see their faces, connect with others, not feel like they are robots. 4 avg rating 35 ratings #35 Masks should be optional It's called FREEDOM 4 avg rating 33 ratings #36 Masks everyday compromise a child’s immune system. We were made to intake germs of our environment and then build immunity in our individual bodies. Wearing masks isn’t sustainable and will compromise children because immune systems cannot develop. 4 avg rating 29 ratings #37 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/25/schools-safely-make-masks-optional-new-cdc-guidelines/?fbclid=IwAR3GMcYUQcUm8c-IvzgeJIj5LWF6ND4x5Pd Those that choose to mask can do so by using a proper mask. Therefore, those who choose not to mask can do so as well. 4 avg rating 28 ratings #38 Choice! Notice how the people who want choice are kinder than the people who take an authoritarian stance on demanding masks and vaccines? When the masks come off, remember to treat others with kindness. Stop bullying our children. They don’t have to worry about your addiction to fear. 4 avg rating 27 ratings #39 No discrimination Why is it important to know if any student has a vax 4 avg rating 27 ratings #40 Kids have NOT adjusted. Shame on you. Some of them are just too young to know a time without masks. It's become like putting on a jacket to them. They never learned life without it and that's not the same as they've "adjusted" and don't mind. They just don't know what they don't know. 4 avg rating 25 ratings #41 I think covid is literally a cold at this point and i don’t understand why the whole world is shut down over a stuffy nose and cough If this were a normal year people would always come to school if they had a stuffy nose or cough 4 avg rating 21 ratings #42 Masks should be optional NOW! The school should never have been put in this position by weak politicians and bureaucrats. Parents and children should be the ones to make the decision on mask wearing and vaccines. Why is this even a debate? It’s because tyrants rum our government now. Mask Freedom!!! 4 avg rating 20 ratings #43 most parents stand for choice. please change our mask policy accordingly 4 avg rating 20 ratings #44 We need to connect and see each others faces Because we haven’t in two years 4 avg rating 19 ratings #45 thank you for this platform! proves most want choice this is great. lets see some changes now 4 avg rating 19 ratings #46 I think masks should be optional because COVID’s already spreading weather you wear your mask or not, everyone is bound to get it at some point. 4 avg rating 18 ratings #47 My sons acne has gotten much worse with masking This reduces his confidence and self worth 4 avg rating 18 ratings #48 Freedom Freedom 4 avg rating 17 ratings #49 I am shocked at the responses here. I VOTE CHOICE when it comes to mask policy and I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that most people are in agreement with this. There must be a very SMALL vocal group on our Community page. The conversations there had given me the opposite impression. 😊 4 avg rating 17 ratings #50 our kids want these masks gone. they've suffered enough lets give them their freedoms back 4 avg rating 17 ratings #51 vaccinated and religiously masked individuals are coming down with covid because the measures we have in place are not stopping transmission. masks and vaccines need to be a personal choice. 4 avg rating 16 ratings #52 We know through recognized studies that a childs risk of serious sickness from covid is extremely small. While the social cost of masking is rather high. It's absolutely affected the quality of life of our students and teachers. 4 avg rating 15 ratings #53 these comments are overwhelmingly voting pro choice! amazing what an open but anonymous platform can reveal 4 avg rating 15 ratings #54 Optional and parental choice It's the parents choice not the government. 3.9 avg rating 61 ratings #55 There are so many different views on this but the fact is covid is not going to be irradiated and we need to get back to living without fear 3.9 avg rating 61 ratings #56 When I am playing sports it makes it difficult to play and breathe when I am wearing a mask. Not being able to breathe during sports is a big problem and it affects my ability to preform at a high level 3.9 avg rating 61 ratings #57 Covid is here to stay but their childhoods are not. Let's please end this horrible mandate for our kids! 3.9 avg rating 60 ratings #62 Should be optional for each individual and each family to make a decision best for them. I don’t think children should wear masks. Kids need to be able to read facial cues. To speak without material in front of their face. Masks are a barrier not prevented measure 3.9 avg rating 60 ratings #63 Unmask these kids and the staff. They are carrying the weight of the world with these restrictions everyday. Masks should be optional at this point. 3.9 avg rating 60 ratings #64 Everyone can give and get Covid. Unvaccinated and vaccinated can spread it. Why would you treat any of your staff or students differently?!? It is so scary to hear there are some in our community want different rules for unvaxed. Follow the science? Clearly not. 3.9 avg rating 59 ratings #65 they dont work Literally everyone is forced to wear them, and they still get covid 3.9 avg rating 59 ratings #66 Masking should be a CHOICE made by parents , child and healthcare provider. Children have suffered much mental health disease, their option of choice has been taken away for 2 years. CHOICE. 3.9 avg rating 58 ratings #93 I will pull my children from this school if we are not given choice If you put in harsher masking policy (N95), refuse choice, or force vaccines on our kids just watch how many kids are pulled to be homeschooled 3.9 avg rating 35 ratings #94 Masks NEED to be Optional It infringes on my right to breathe. I also am an asthmatic and some Dr's are not willing to give a medical exemption. 3.9 avg rating 34 ratings #95 Masks optional! 3.9 avg rating 34 ratings #96 Stop muzzling my child!! Keep the children out of this! Furthermore, will not be getting the covid vaccine. Schools need to feel like a place the kids feel comfortable. Not like a prison. 3.9 avg rating 34 ratings #97 Mask should be optional for the immunocomprised and the mentally ill. Allow our children autonomy and freedom of choice, please! 3.9 avg rating 32 ratings #98 Optional 3.9 avg rating 32 ratings #100 COVID is just a fact of life going forward. We are still waiting for what the metric is to end the masking. We can't hide behind a mask forever. 3.9 avg rating 30 ratings #102 Masks should be optional. Comparing data from places where it is mandatory to those not, does not show strong evidence of necessity. Free choice, and healthier for children. 3.9 avg rating 30 ratings #103 Optional. No one is telling anyone thar can't wear masks if the choice is optional. If you feel safer in a mask, wear it. Why are they so afraid of others unmasking if their own mask is supposed to work? It's like living in a bubble and expecting everyone else to as well. 3.9 avg rating 29 ratings #104 Masks should be optional at this point in the pandemic. And why are masks such a huge issue NOW as opposed to DECADES of the rampant flu This country is becoming more divide than ever. What happened to the alleged SUPER SPREADERS at big sporting events? It never happened. 3.9 avg rating 28 ratings #105 Who knows a child's health better than their parents? How about mental health? It should be parental choice and it's their decision not the schools Mental health is probably the most important aspect of this. Suicides are up, and psychiatrists are nowhere to be found. Save our Children Free Choice 3.9 avg rating 28 ratings #106 Masks should be optional Kids don't wear them properly, anyway 3.9 avg rating 25 ratings #150 Let's get on with life Even those getting covid are experiencing little to no side effects 3.8 avg rating 46 ratings #152 Transitioning to normalcy for our children should be done as soon as possible. Our children have been affected both physically and mentally by this. 3.8 avg rating 45 ratings #153 Choice! My ninth, tenth and eleventh grades have been spent in masks. It is so depressing! I need to have some sort of normalcy in high school. This is not okay. 3.8 avg rating 43 ratings #154 If these mandates continue, many families will leave the district. That means less money for students, arts, renovations, equipment, etc. Have fun finding that extra cash. 3.8 avg rating 43 ratings #155 Drawbacks of masking in schools, include development issues, emotional bonding problems, communication disruptions in class, and even speech delays Masks optional for school, immediately. If you want to mask your child, go right ahead. But allow my children to move past this abusive mandate. 3.8 avg rating 42 ratings #156 You will lose kids if you keep them masked! Many people have stated they will pull their kids from the school and homeschool them. Do you want that? This means fewer kids, which means less money from the state and other funds. It should be free choice by their parents. No more masks! Go Maskless 3.8 avg rating 42 ratings #201 Please make masks optional and defer this choice to the parents!! We know what’s best for our kids. 3.7 avg rating 61 ratings #202 I think that everyone has the right to decide what they as a family are comfortable with. 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #203 If everyone is getting sick, (flu, colds or covid) clearly the masks aren't being worn or used properly and are ineffective. Let them be optional. Masks that don't fit, consistently touched, adjusted, removed, and put back on are just completely useless. Masks should be optional. 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #204 It’s time to get our kids back to normal. We’re going on two years with so many kids missing out on social cues, and normal development due to masks. COVID is becoming endemic. We don’t mask for flu, and/or other illnesses and it’s time to get the masks off our kids. They should be parental choice 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #205 Masks should be optional Bodily autonomy is important especially when it comes to a medical device 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #206 No masks in school The Covid rates are so low for this age group the numbers don’t support the trade off for wearing masks. If someone is that sick they can wear a mask 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #207 Optional 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #208 Optional 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #209 Take the masks off our children Masks should be 100% optional 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #210 We must start transitioning our children back to a normal learning environment. After two years, our kids need to start seeing each other and their world again. The time for masks should be winding down now. 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #211 We need choice please 🙏 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #212 We want to unmask our children. CHoICE please. 3.7 avg rating 60 ratings #213 COVID-19 shots and masks for students and teachers should be optional, just as flu shots currently are. Current shots for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) are not actually a vaccination and are similar in effectiveness to a flu shot and only have EUA at this point. 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #214 Choice for all. You have a choice in your career, choice to wear a mask, choice to vaccinate. Do not take away other's choices due to your fear. Public health is for ALL. Not just teachers. Risk benefit analysis is for ALL. Kids are developing and have different choices to make for their health 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #215 Covid is here to stay. There will constantly be new strains-just like the flu. We can't live the rest of our lives in masks. 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #216 I am not a doctor, however there is various proof that masks don't work..should be a choice for those who wish to wear them and those who dont It's so important for children and parents to have their own choice. It's also important to see those smiling, laughing faces again 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #217 Kids wearing masks in school is like a chef wearing the same pair of gloves they cook food AND handle money with. Useless if not used properly. Touching and adjusting dirty masks, placing them on tables to eat then putting them back on their faces is not how masks are intended to be used. 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #218 Let the parents decide what’s best for their kids. 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #219 Masks should be made optional and that decision should be left to each family and individual 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #220 Masks should be optional regardless of vaccination status I’m afraid that the next step will be only children who are vaccinated can be maskless, which would pressure parents into vaccinating their child 3.7 avg rating 59 ratings #250 As a medical professional, we use droplet precautions for covid patients. That’s because this is NOT and airborne infection. Masks don’t work. Kids are learning poor cough etiquette with masks. Masks become shower heads of virus particles. Teach kids to cover their cough again! Handwashing! 3.7 avg rating 38 ratings #252 I believe masks should be optional for all students regardless of vaccination status. If you want to wear a mask then wear one. Most students don’t want to wear a mask from what I’ve seen. We should have the freedom of choice. 3.7 avg rating 37 ratings #253 Isn’t the intent of masks to prevent from inhaling the virus like medical devices? Doesn’t informed consent apply here and get a freedom of choice? Choice/Freedoms- it’s what our country was founded on! Mandates are anti choice and and there is no benefit! Give back our choice and informed consent 3.7 avg rating 37 ratings #254 The school has better things to worry about that a face mask The masks disrupt learning and make it harder to focus in class there purely a distraction 3.7 avg rating 36 ratings #255 Masks don’t really work If masks worked we wouldn’t be having this conversation because Covid would be gone 3.7 avg rating 35 ratings #256 With the high vaccination rate and number of people who have already had Covid AND the less severe variants, it is only logical to make masking option At this point people should have a choice whether masking is important to them. Healthy, vaccinated people are at very low risk of getting ill. Choice 3.7 avg rating 35 ratings #257 Herd immunity can be reached without vaccinations! Cloth masks do not work. Leave our kids alone!! Make masks optional! https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/01/28/1072591923/africa-may-have-reached-the-pandemics-holy-grail 3.7 avg rating 34 ratings #258 I am a young healthy male student I don’t think I should have to wear a mask 3.7 avg rating 34 ratings #259 Freedom! 3.7 avg rating 31 ratings #260 Personal freedom. It's what this country is about. Look around the country at the mixed messages... 3.7 avg rating 31 ratings #261 I cant play sports wearing my mask 3.7 avg rating 30 ratings #262 Masks Optional! Numbers are and have been going down- it's a virus and we won't ever get down to 0! Learn to live with it. No amount of masking, vaccines, social distancing, etc will make this just disappear. Wear a mask if you want. Some people want to LIVE freely. 3.7 avg rating 30 ratings #263 Move on with life! 3.7 avg rating 29 ratings #264 If the vax is mandated, we won't leave NY. We won't leave our house and allow someone else to take our place in the district. We will pull our children and homeschool. This WILL impact the school and community. 3.7 avg rating 28 ratings #265 Masks must be made optional, required for nobody and allowed to be worn by all. Vaccination status should play no part. This is important for equality for all students, regardless of medical information. 3.7 avg rating 28 ratings #266 it should be a personal choice its called FREEDOM 3.7 avg rating 28 ratings #267 Natural immunity is better than vax alone. Some people want to force the vax on all, because hybrid immunity is even better. If you're unwilling to expose yourself to C to get hybrid immunity, you have no right to be insisting those with natural immunity expose themselves to side effects from vax 3.7 avg rating 27 ratings #268 No Masks it's not naatural and proof they don't work 3.7 avg rating 25 ratings #269 love to see the majority asking for choice! thank you hfl 3.7 avg rating 21 ratings #270 All students and teachers should have the right to choose for themselves whether or not they wear a mask. Medical Freedom 3.7 avg rating 18 ratings #271 Kids of school age should have a choice whether or not to wear masks. Masks do not allow for normal breathing and are more detrimental to ones health Health is a personal matter and should be the choice of the individual how to best achieve the desired result. Wear a mask if you think you need one 3.7 avg rating 7 ratings #272 I believe it should be each persons choice to wear a mask or not. Each persons level of comfort is different. It should be their right to assess the situation and make their own determination whether or not to mask. 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #273 Masking does not stop the spread- or we wouldn't be here almost 2 years later Unmask the kids and let them be kids. Wear a mask if YOU want to. 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #274 Masks impede the student athletes ability to breath. This is a no brainer - anything placed over the mouth and nose will have a negative impact on breathing! 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #275 Masks should be made optional 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #276 Masks should be worn only by those who feel the need to wear them without others feeling pressured to wear mask Freedom of choice 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #277 My skin is breaking out on my face due to masks and it is causing adverse reaction on my face. If masks are obstructing my breathing and causing break outs on people’s faces then it should be optional 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #278 Please make masks optional. Our children have suffered enough! Let’s be honest the masks have not stopped the spread of covid 3.6 avg rating 61 ratings #279 ABSOLUTELY NO mask OR vax requirement! Health decisions should be left up to PARENTS and students' DOCTORS. NOT the state or school district who doesn't know individual health history. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #280 I think that masking in school should be optional. If you want to wear one wear one. If you don't want to wear one, don't. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #281 If masks mandates remain we leave School head counts, already in a 10 year decline, will drop dramatically when those that object leave the state or home school. It’s going to happen 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #282 If you would like to wear a mask, wear it. If not you are FREE to do so. We live in a country founded on freedom. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #283 Mask use should be a decision made by the individual not the state or the school district. Every student and staff member has a unique medical history. This decision should be made on a case by case basis, not by a blanket mandate for all. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #284 Masks OPTIONAL Mask mandates (laws) are a slippery slope, avalanches will follow. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #285 Masks are doing more harm than good to our kids. Speech and language problems are up >350% in some studies. Our kids are at school to learn and this is setting our kids back. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #286 Masks are not a new normal People thinking that we should continue wearing masks to protect us from non-Covid illnesses makes me think we've been wearing them for too long. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #287 Masks have been detrimental to my childs mental health. Mental health is just as important and physical health. We need choice 🙏 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #288 Masks need to be optional If someone feels comfortable with the useless mitigation strategy muzzling their face there free to wear one, but the rest of the students be free 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #289 Masks should be made optional for sure. Parents decide what’s best for their kids and they deserve a choice. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #290 Masks should be optional It’s hard to breathe in class sometimes and it adds stress when teachers yell at you to pull them up when you’re just trying to breathe 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #291 Masks should be optional Every student has a different situation and masks are harmful to some. With no remote option we need to have masks optional for some students. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #292 Numbers are dropping, risk is dropping, herd immunity is increasing. Many studies have shown they are mostly ineffective. They don’t seem as necessary. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #293 Parents should be able to decide if their child wears a mask or not 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #294 Please let me have choice. If my friends want to wear a mask they can and I will not judge them. I expect the same for me. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #295 Students need freedoms to choose 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #296 The wearing of masks in school should be a decision made by parents, not government. It is a health decision, much like diet and exercise. Choose what’s best for you and your family! 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #297 We need to move past this. Masks optional 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #298 Wearing masks will eventually have a negative impact on socialization and communication. 92% of communication is non-verbal, and much of that is made up of facial expressions. Obscuring half of the face hampers that ability. 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #299 Where there is risk there should be CHOICE We know that masking has caused harm and that people are being injured from the vaccine (my husband is one of them) so we cannot force either of these 3.6 avg rating 60 ratings #300 Children are NOT at risk for this anymore Many kids have already gotten Covid, and have natural immunity 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #301 It sucks wearing them ACNE. As facial oils are contained to the face for 6 hours a day; acne builds up. Acne is the number one insecurity for highschoolers. Masks =acne 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #302 Masks need to be made optional, family choice is of paramount importance The children have suffered enough, unmask our kids 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #303 Touching, adjusting, fidgeting with and frequently removing masks does not prevent the spread of any virus. Masks are not being worn properly in the first place, resulting in just being germ collectors that keep viruses close to the face, on hands & surfaces 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #304 We can make masks optional and continue to keep our schools open. Schools all over the country are doing this now. 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #305 We need to learn to live with Covid and offer the option of choosing to wear masks or not, regardless of vaccination status. 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #306 individual choice We need to learn to live with covid and natural immunity 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #307 optional masking We were told a two week shut down will work, masks would work, and then vaccines will work. When can we just say enough is enough and this ends now! 3.6 avg rating 59 ratings #308 16 states have mask mandates. The others do not and are operationing just fine. Make masks optional 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #309 A lot of my friends have covid and they wore their masks all day at school. I think the masks should be optional since they aren’t working to stop it 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #310 Bacteria buildup in the mask actually causes more harm to the students than any protection that I could possibly offer Students health is important; and the masks bring more harm than good 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #311 I understand that some parents may be uncomfortable and nervous and they should have the option to allow their child to wear a mask. For this reason masks should be optional as opposed to making ALL kids mask!! 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #312 I'd like the decision makers around masks in schools to share exactly what scientific doc they use as to how this cloth protects our children. We have States in our union that have moved on and are doing fine. Why are we not able to do the same? How do State Lines impact different health? 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #313 Mask should be completely optional Science shows the masks don't work 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #314 Masking should be optional, at this time. Mankind will continue no matter how we try to control what we can’t foresee. History has proven over again If we start teaching our children again that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. no is free to have rights of others But has the right 2 only breathe 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #315 There are currently only 16 states with mask requirements for public schools. The rate of infection is not higher in these districts. 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #316 We can’t vaccinate and mask our way out of this. Masks and vaccines need to be optional period. 3.6 avg rating 58 ratings #317 Lawsuits can go in both directions. Informed consent is a grounds for suing for forced masking or vax of an Emergency Use product. 3.6 avg rating 57 ratings #318 Never in society have we harmed the children to protect the adults Adults can get double vaxxed, double boosted and wear an N95 if they are scared. After all, those strategies work, right? 3.6 avg rating 57 ratings #319 Masks should be made optional for the school community Young students are experiencing speech delays 3.6 avg rating 56 ratings #320 These kids are not properly wearing the masks anyhow. Everyone commenting that the masks help keep people safe has nothing seen these students wearing the masks. They’re half off or on their chins, set down in a dirty desk then put back on, dropped in the floor and put back on. 3.6 avg rating 56 ratings #321 https://archive.fo/oIx5N The beloved NY Times even publishes an opinion piece to make masks optional. The tide is turning. OPTIONAL MASKING ASAP 3.6 avg rating 52 ratings #322 My kids need masks to be optional. I respect parents desire for everyone to be masked so they feel safe but some families just can’t tolerate a mask 3.6 avg rating 51 ratings #323 Vaccination status should never be brought up. I see more vaccinated people sick and coughing. The vaccine doesn’t work. 3.6 avg rating 50 ratings #324 Masks are gross! Especially masks worn by a child all day. Handwashing is important but then children touch, play with, drop, and place masks in their mouths. This defeats the purpose of washing hands. 3.6 avg rating 48 ratings #325 Masks should be optional. If kids are sick, stay home. It’s not rocket science 3.6 avg rating 47 ratings #326 No one should have to wear a mask Personal choice 3.6 avg rating 47 ratings #327 We are negatively impacting a whole generation of young people for MAYBE keeping a small handful of students out of hospitals. 3.6 avg rating 46 ratings #328 Parents should absolutely have the choice! It’s basically a cold for kids. The masking is completely unnecessary! 3.6 avg rating 45 ratings #329 Masks optional. Teachers and BOE focus on EDUCATION - NOT enforcing masking!/vaccination 3.6 avg rating 44 ratings #330 Do not infringe on our rights. The schools may look at our children like $$$ but they, in fact, are NOT. There is no science involved in this. Children need to see faces in order to learn how to communicate and socialize within society. It starts at school. 3.6 avg rating 43 ratings #331 Wearing masks do not help Wearing masks prevents kids from learning, reading, social interactions 3.6 avg rating 41 ratings #332 Make masks optional. Child's choice, don't bully kids into wearing one for YOUR safety! It's a common cold at this point, keep sick kids home like we have been doing. 3.6 avg rating 39 ratings #333 Choices Consequences of choices are based on individual decisions 3.6 avg rating 37 ratings #334 Masks need to be optional. We won’t stop you from wearing a masks. Teach handwashing and mask etiquette. Masked kids don’t cover their coughs anymore This is NOT an airborne virus. You cannot get covid from walking by someone in a hallway. It takes someone coughing in your mouth or eyes. Stop masks! 3.6 avg rating 37 ratings #335 We have never worn masks for viral diseases, it’s unnecessary now. Additionally it is detrimental to our youngest students. Masks are dirty and don’t seem to be stopping transmission. People need to see peoples faces, especially the young. 3.6 avg rating 36 ratings #336 We can’t live in fear - kids learning is compromised by masks. Teachers strain to speak and u can’t hear students. Causes huge increased anxiety 3.6 avg rating 35 ratings #337 Asymptomatic people should have the option to mask OR unmask based on their comfort level. Over the masking period, I have seen negative impact on my children’s behavior, and a facial rash on masked area, and trouble breathing when exerted. 3.6 avg rating 34 ratings #338 Do better and lead instead of following these one size fits all mandates. Look deeper into individual needs and values that also deserve empathy. Masks don’t build up healthy immune systems and ignoring ways that do as well as early treatment education is negligent. It’s not working .’ 3.6 avg rating 34 ratings #339 I have NEVER heard a SINGLE person who supports choice indicate judgement against those who CHOOSE to wear them. The reverse is NOT TRUE. The hypocrisy is apparent. Stop pretending you fear judgment after “I won’t let my kid pay with those who disagree”. Natural Immunity is real. 3.6 avg rating 34 ratings #340 Should be a choice if you want to wear a mask or not. 3.6 avg rating 33 ratings #341 It should be optional because I can't breathe and the teacher's are annoying and harass me and make me feel like I have a disease. This is important because I shouldn't have to feel this way all the time and feel ashamed. 3.6 avg rating 32 ratings #342 Masks cause more harm then good 3.6 avg rating 31 ratings #343 Students who are tired of wearing masks have been shamed by teachers and students. To the point of discrimination. It is wrong! America is free choice We shouldn’t shame or show prejudice for gay/straight , black/brown, short/tall, but if you don’t want a mask, HFL shames our children!! 3.6 avg rating 31 ratings #344 Individuals who feel that masks work should have the freedom to choose to wear it, just like others can freely choose not to! It is all about free choice as each person or student or parent has the right to choose. It’s the foundation of American Govt. 3.6 avg rating 29 ratings #345 When is enough enough? My thought, which also is a pretty straight foward question -after all this time still can't seam to be answered 3.6 avg rating 29 ratings #346 Masks are pointless 3.6 avg rating 28 ratings #347 The adults need to stop spreading their fear and treating our healthy children like they are sick . Many justify cruelty and ignore the harms done The school needs to stop burdening our children and move beyond this blind obsession with masks. Give choice and offer the vulnerable more resources. 3.6 avg rating 28 ratings #348 If you don’t have symptoms then masks should be optional. Your kids can wear them if that makes you more comfortable. Everyone should be able to choose for themselves. The rash on my kids chin is of far greater concern to me than the fear of covid. 3.6 avg rating 27 ratings #349 Why are the staff not reassuring kids about the minimal risks for them but choosing to insert their fears about worst scenario outcomes. This strategy Is creating anxiety in kids and ignoring simple ways to educate families about meaningful ways to strengthen immunity. 3.6 avg rating 27 ratings #350 The mask gives the wearer a false sense of security. Kids and adults have forgotten simple cough etiquette. Teach handwashing and to cover your cough. These strategies will work much better than filthy masks. Kids need fresh air and to see smiles. We know the masks have done more harm than good. 3.6 avg rating 25 ratings #351 Masks should be optional for vaccinated or unvaccinated. I believe in free will. I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill ! 3.6 avg rating 22 ratings #352 I see a few comments stating that masks work and will keep others safe. I disagree. Thats what we are being told but it clearly is not the case. how many people do you know who mask religiously and still contracted covid. our numbers have spiked despite the mandate, its not working! 3.6 avg rating 20 ratings #353 our reopening plan was written many months ago when different information was available on mask use and effectiveness. time for a change 3.6 avg rating 17 ratings #354 this though exchange gave me hope again that our kids will have a chance at a normal childhood soon! people are voting for masks to be optional we need to update our pillowy to reflect what the community desires and what the newest data is revealing to us about mask and vaccine effectiveness. 3.6 avg rating 15 ratings #355 anyone not in school and masking all day should not be making these decisions for our kids! have a conversation with your child. ask them to explain what its like to wear a mask all day everyday. they might have been afraid to share this with you but they have an opinion! have a conversatio 3.6 avg rating 13 ratings #356 No thoughts other than do what makes you as an individual feel most comfortable. Rules are rules but mask mandate is a gross infringement on one’s personal rights and should be optional and a choice 3.6 avg rating 5 ratings #357 Optional for all Vaccinated or unvaccinated. It does not matter. Both are spreading the virus. Symptoms vary by person not vaccination status. 3.6 avg rating 3 ratings #358 Optional If YOU are concerned wear a mask & take whatever precautions necessary to make YOU feel comfortable. Do not rely on others to relieve your fear. 3.6 avg rating 2 ratings #359 Choice!!! 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #360 Freedom of choice 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #361 Let the parents decide so the school isn’t taking the heat for the differing opinions. Masking should be optional 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #362 Masking should be a personal choice. Masking is not a benefit without compromise. 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #363 Masks are awful. It should be a choice to wear them. I respect other peoples choices and they should respect mine . 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #364 Masks make acne horrible 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #365 Optional maks and vaccines 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #366 We shouldn’t wear masks for sports It makes it hard to breathe/ play well in sports, plus some colleges have rules where players don’t need to wear them in games and they’re doing fine 3.5 avg rating 61 ratings #367 PPE =Personal Protective Equipment. PERSONAL. Let people that choose to, wear masks to protect themselves. Let others unmask if they choose. This is how the typical medical world have work for years and years. Medical staff wears PPE and patients are unmasked or exposed. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #368 According to science masks are not effective these kids need to breathe and see each other 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #369 CHOICE Many schools in other states are not masked and their numbers are still comparable. Cloth masks not effective anyway and our children will not tolerat 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #370 Enough is enough. Each family is not the same 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #371 I am sad thinking about what this has become. I feel that the students and faculty should have a choice… it’s important bc masking is taking a toll on the school community and hfl community. People deserve a choice. We should not feel like minions of NYS 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #372 I can see that masking is destroying my kids confidence, delaying them educationally and socially, and causing anxiety. Its not worth it just so I can avoid a virus that is inevitable we will all get. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #373 I think it is time to transition to optional mask usage for staff and students I do not think it is healthy for the kids to constantly be wearing masks 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #374 If masks are made optional, a culture of tolerance and respect for families choices should be fostered. I do not want to see the intolerance of tribal politics today projected on to and parroted by our children, just b/c of masks or no masks. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #375 Let masks be optional If someone believes masks work, they should wear them. If they don't believe in their effectiveness, they should be able to choose not to. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #376 MASKS SHOULD BE A CHOICE being vaccinated or not shouldn’t matter 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #377 Masks and vaccinations have been shown to do little to nothing -as far as the spread of Covid -minimal danger to school aged kids Teachers are all vaccinated, what are they worried about? 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #378 Masks need to be optional 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #379 Please unmask our children. Please. Virus is not going away anytime soon. Our children have extremely low risk for complications, death. We need as a society learn to live with this. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #380 Student choice. Unmask the kids. My kids love going out shopping with no masks! So why can't they unmask in school? They rip them off the minute they get home to breathe. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #381 The Public Health agencies in the US have unilaterally imposed mandates without ANY empirically backed research.. The WHO and many other developed countries have not masked children and there has been no statistically significant difference in outcomes. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #382 The state should refer to the states in USA that are currently using Masks as a choice and look at those schools infection rates and make decisions Children Teenagers have always been low risk for C19. We have all seen massive changes in our children these last 2 years. 2/3 of mine now in therapy. 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #383 Unvaccinated and vaccinated can spread it look at the numbers. OPIONAL 3.5 avg rating 60 ratings #384 I believe strongly that the choice should be left to the families and the students wether they should have the option to wear the mask. Optional It is important because I have problem with breathing and blindly believing what I am told 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #385 I cannot breathe playing my sport with a mask on indoors it impacts the way I breathe and play my sport 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #386 I think that masking should be a choice. Most people have had Covid & had between mild or no symptoms up to severe illness & death, regardless of vax status or mask usage. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #387 I’ve been pro-mask & vax all this time and now feel that it’s time to evolve with the mild virus symptoms Our children need an opportunity to have some normal experiences. My 2 kids have been anxious and depressed and are both in therapy. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #388 Masking optional My children say teachers focus more on masking than they do teaching. It is distracting to their education. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #389 Masks have historically been worn by immune compromised individuals for protection, not by everyone they are in contact with. Allows the vulnerable to protect themselves while providing an option for those not to. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #390 Masks inhibit social cues. They are uncomfortable and dirty. I have seen many children put unsanitary masks on their face. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #391 Masks should absolutely be optional!!! I am a Pediatric RN with over 20 years experience and can tell you they are completely unnecessary!!!!! This is causing so many psychological problems with children!!! 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #392 Please take the masks off our poor children. I truly feel like it is abusive and I am beyond disgusted with the mandates required. Children need a normal life. It is time to move on….if parents are worried about their own children then have them mask. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #393 Say No! to mandates on experimental ineffective gene therapy for a previous strain when there are no long term studies! Think critically. Use your brain. Where there is risk, there must be choice. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #394 The mental health of our children is important Having our kids wear a mask all day everyday spreads a notion that we live in a dangerous world. Children need to feel secure. They need to see faces. 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #395 This sub-par learning experiences have affected grades, drive, joy and the ability to create appropriate friendships. Mental, physical and social health have all been compromised 3.5 avg rating 59 ratings #396 For those that are fearful, the school must work with the public health agencies to provide accurate information, unbiased and clear. Fear has driven the opposition of lifting masks, it’s not routed in fact. The politicization of a heath issue must stop. People need to asses risk. 3.5 avg rating 58 ratings #397 OPTIONAL! If masks/vaccines work....then Mask up & get boosted. 3.5 avg rating 58 ratings #398 The state doesn’t get to parent my kid and decide for parents what is best for our kids! 3.5 avg rating 58 ratings #399 We have been wearing masks for 2 years and there is still COVID and COVID will be around for years so let people get it and become amune 3.5 avg rating 58 ratings #400 As the pandemic changes and we've learned more, it needs to become more about protecting yourself and less about others protecting you. Healthy students are functioning with heightened anxiety because they fear accidentally harming someone. This anxiety must not continue to be fed. 3.5 avg rating 56 ratings #401 School sucks now. Masks and distancing and cancelled events. At least if we didn’t have to wear masks it would make it more bearable for us. Masks are so hard to wear all day. Especially since we can’t have mask breaks anymore now 3.5 avg rating 56 ratings #402 masks should be optional. I get migraines from wearing a mask all day. My dr said that’s not a valid reason for a medical exemption. Last year I could do remote learning and this year I can’t so I have to take medicine for my migraines. Some people can’t wear masks 3.5 avg rating 53 ratings #403 Masks should be optional Store catering to the whims of the paranoid, authoritarian people. Our founders wrote the Constitution to protect us from exactly this situation 3.5 avg rating 51 ratings #404 Masks and vaccines are medical decisions that should be in the hands of parents. Parents have access to reliable information from doctors they can use to make the best decisions for their own children. 3.5 avg rating 50 ratings #405 The restrictions that mask mandates have put on human behavior and human connection have wreaked havoc in our schools. Masks need to be made optional 3.5 avg rating 50 ratings #406 Must be optional! Parental choice. 3.5 avg rating 48 ratings #407 Mandates make it difficult for physicians to write exemptions for their patients who need it. Their license gets put on the line, and patient care Takes a back seat. Leave conversations about vaccinations and masking, for doctors to have with their own patients. Give back our medical freedom!! 3.5 avg rating 46 ratings #408 We shouldn't keep forcing students to wear masks. If you are high risk you should get vaccinated and wear a N95. This keeps you out of hospitals. We can't put our unfounded fears onto young people. It is morally wrong. 3.5 avg rating 46 ratings #409 Masks don’t even work! The school needs to stop collecting pay to abuse our children 3.5 avg rating 45 ratings #410 Masks aren't helpful. They become filthy, they limit a student's ability to understand what their teachers and peers are saying, Optional use is important because students should not have to wear them. Makes zero sense. Time to realize this virus is like any other. 3.5 avg rating 42 ratings #411 Unfortunately, COVID is just a fact of life now. Masking, though somewhat effective against the spread has more downsides than upsides. 3.5 avg rating 42 ratings #412 I would appreciate direction about how best to communicate the change to my students, especially since families will have a variety of responses. I want to ensure students' comfort level and inclusion, no matter their family's decision. The district should have a unified message to students. 3.5 avg rating 41 ratings #413 Optional mask use should not be used as an excuse for teachers not to work. This is no different than any other virus. 3.5 avg rating 39 ratings #414 Smart hygiene practice are all they need 3.5 avg rating 39 ratings #415 Stop masking children. Stop making them sick and fearful. This will never end if we allow the vocal and rude minority to continue to harm us! Mask choice is the only choice 3.5 avg rating 39 ratings #416 Those who still view unvaxxed as scary are completely misinformed. Vaxxed and unvaxxed spread =. MORE vaxxed get Omicron… >85% of omicron=vaxxed Info is dif now than from the beginning. Keep up! 3.5 avg rating 38 ratings #417 Masking was put into place to save lives. Very few people are now actually dying. Those who deem masking necessary can continue to do so. 3.5 avg rating 37 ratings #418 Should be individual choice whether or not to mask up. If I’m not sick - I don’t need one. 3.5 avg rating 37 ratings #419 The choice to wear a mask or not should be an individual choice. At this point in the pandemic and with the continuous mutation of the virus, there could be no end to this. Similar to the flu. 3.5 avg rating 35 ratings #420 It should be optional 3.5 avg rating 30 ratings #421 Masks optional Parent Choice 3.5 avg rating 3 ratings #422 Continuing to incite fear into young students is so wrong - they are not at risk Masks need to be optional. Mental health is important. Stop creating anxiety in these young kids. Choice for all. 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #423 Covid is over, its been over. Lets get back to normal now. 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #424 I get one chance to go through high school and I am not graduating wearing a masks because of people being scared of a cold. 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #425 Many kids will continue to mask. Making masks optional does not mean we will have a sudden spike in cases. Many states have removed mandates so far 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #426 Parental choice!!! Each family has their own risk profile 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #427 We need choice. Teachers encourage critical thinking but we are not allowed to do so when it comes to anything Covid….decisions are being made FOR us instead of WITH 3.4 avg rating 61 ratings #428 Children’s choice 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #429 Choice of masking and vaccinations is very important to me. 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #430 I am seeing a lot of comments from people holding on to "old science". It has been shown and published by the CDC, cloth masks don't work and the vaccine does not stop transmission. Time to wake up, there are new findings 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #431 It doesn’t matter if you are vaxxed or not, you can still spread Covid regardless of the masks. Choice is the best option. 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #432 Make masks optional There is no science to support masking has worked. The news isn’t science. 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #433 Mask should be optional 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #434 Masks are distracting to me and the teachers. Some teachers spend more time disciplining kids about masks than they do teaching. 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #435 Masks should be optional. The really don’t work. Look up micron filtration. The people who want masks want to control you and be controlled. The ones who care about everyone fight for everyone’s freedom of choice. Wear a mask if you like, but don’t force it on us or our children. God bless 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #436 One size mask requirement does not fit all My manor school student struggles so much with breathing beneath his mask. This is not okay. 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #437 Vaccinated status doesn’t matter 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #438 We've masked for 2 years, it is not working. Clearly we are witnessing vaccine failure as well. Time to move on. Mask optional, family choice 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #439 With no remote option those who struggle with health issues from masking have no recourse. We need to have this choice made available 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #440 according to science covid does not affect kids they need to be normal kids 3.4 avg rating 60 ratings #441 Freedom is the order of the day, not tyranny. Scools educate, not indoctrinate. Our Constitution is why this is important. Tyranny must not be allowed to stand. 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #442 Give parents, students, and teachers a choice in how they respond to COVID, especially given the minimal risk to children. Years of masking, social distancing, and shots have not stopped the spread of COVID-19. It is time to end the theatrics and get on with life. 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #443 It should've been that way from the beginning, the fact it's taken this long shows that the system is corrupt and doesn't work. It's important to hear the people...Everyone has their own opinion, which is why we have choices in life 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #444 Many European countries have never masked their young children in schools and have comparable rates to ours. These countries have acknowledged how important it is for children's social development, to see faces and emotions in order to build connections. 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #445 Many students do not wear the masks properly as it is. Removing the mask mandate will not make a significant impact. 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #446 Masks are impacting my learning when I can simply not Focus on my work without worrying about my mask falling down and a teacher yelling at me It’s my person choice if I choose to wear my mask I don’t need people making that choice for me 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #447 Masks are making me so insecure. My acne is horrible because of the masks 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #448 Masks make me very hot It's hard to breathe with masks on. Grade 3 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #449 Masks should no longer be forced If the masks work so well then whoever claims this should feel fine wearing it for themselves. They don’t belong on healthy people! 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #450 What about the mental health impact of all of this? Time to get back to living and change the focus from fear to joy and freedom of choice. Are we tracking mental health numbers like covid numbers? The long term damage mentally far outlasts having and recovering from covid. 3.4 avg rating 59 ratings #451 Be respectful of ALL choice even if it is not yours. We are taught to listen to all sides of an argument but when I speak I feel like people minimize my thoughts if I don’t agree with them. 3.4 avg rating 58 ratings #452 HFL should stand up for students so that they can lead normal lives during their childhood and teenage years. We owe it to them to stop this madness. They only get one childhood and they’ve just spent two years of it being taught to cower in fear behind masks. They will never get that time back. 3.4 avg rating 58 ratings #453 Masks are proven detrimental to learning/social development/safety The risks of forced masking by far outweighs the lack of data proving efficacy. Federal Law deems it unlawful for an institution to mandate masks/COVID 19 vax/pcr test if only authorized for EU w/out informed consent 3.4 avg rating 58 ratings #454 The science is not there for masks. This should be abundantly clear if you actually review data. If you stopped mandate how much $ would you not get Masks are tied to govt payouts. It’s corruption at the highest level and HF-L should be against that. We didn’t need 4M and use children as pawns 3.4 avg rating 58 ratings #455 Schools that have masks as optional have the same rates of infection as school that mandate it. We can look at the data from other states now and see that optional masking does not result in an increase in community spread. 3.4 avg rating 57 ratings #456 If you don’t have to wear a mask all day you don’t know how hard it is to do it. It’s hard to breath and hard to hear the teacher and your friends. We should do things to keep our town safe but the masks don’t do that. 3.4 avg rating 55 ratings #457 Make masks optional A lot of my friends have already had covid and they were just sick for a few days. If covid doesn’t effect the kids we should take the masks off Most of the teachers are vaccinated and they can keep wearing N95 masks to stay safe 3.4 avg rating 54 ratings #458 COVID is never gone give you up, will always gonna let you down, always gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna say goodbye. Always will tell a lie and hurt you. #nevertrustavirus 3.4 avg rating 52 ratings #459 Masks optional if they do t stop the spread. If you’re vaccinated and wear your mask and still get covid then that proves they have failed 3.4 avg rating 52 ratings #460 Masks should be optional They aren’t affective in keeping us COVID free. In addition, masks have negative impacts in many ways. 3.4 avg rating 51 ratings #461 Please make them optional People should have a choice 3.4 avg rating 51 ratings #462 I think we should ask students that show symptoms to stay home but we should allow those who want to be free to be free. 3.4 avg rating 49 ratings #463 Masks should be optional Masks should be optionalThey aren’t affective in keeping us COVID free. In addition, masks have negative impacts in many ways. 3.4 avg rating 49 ratings #464 Masks should be optional I feel they don’t work to keep us COVID free, in addition there are countless negative impacts of wearing masks all day 3.4 avg rating 49 ratings #465 Optional is the ONLY way to go as that’s what’s LEGAL. There should be no other discussion about this. If you’re sick, stay home. The state and schools do NOT own our children. They need to understand that we won’t allow them to continue thinking so. 3.4 avg rating 49 ratings #466 We need to revisit our mitigation strategies since what we have been doing is not working. Masks should be made optional 3.4 avg rating 49 ratings #467 Make masks optional. Clearly masks and vax don't work as well as we all had hoped or else we wouldn't still be talking about this 2 years later. Enough with the theatrics. 3.4 avg rating 48 ratings #468 After two years of dealing with covid, parents know what they are and are not concerned about. Allow them the choice for their kids. 3.4 avg rating 39 ratings #469 Freedom to choose! The people who stand up for freedom of choice to mask and vax, are the same people who will stand up for your choice to arbitrarily change your gender. If you want to continue to make your children fear life, that’s child abuse. We want to free all the children not just ours. 3.4 avg rating 39 ratings #470 People have health conditions and mask make it difficult for people to breathe Breathing is important. 3.4 avg rating 36 ratings #471 Covid has not proven to spread in schools. And kids barely wear them correctly. 3.4 avg rating 34 ratings #472 Parent/student choice 3.4 avg rating 34 ratings #473 2 years is not a short term solution 3.4 avg rating 32 ratings #474 Masking should be optional, regardless of vaccination status. 3.4 avg rating 28 ratings #475 The decision should be made based on what is best for the student's well being. 3.4 avg rating 13 ratings #476 Masks should be optional. Vaccinated or not. It’s very apparent you can still catch and spread covid regardless of masks or vaccination status. 3.4 avg rating 7 ratings #477 Masking has made kids incredibly anxious I have seen it trigger massive anxiety around making sure they have a mask, being uncomfortable in it, feeling too hot like they are going to pass out 3.4 avg rating 4 ratings #478 Unmask us it is our choice and we have the freedom to decide what is the best for us. So far masks are causing more harm then good in our current situations. Vaccinated can spread it as long as unvaxed 3.4 avg rating 4 ratings #479 I don’t want to spend my only years of highschool with masks and COVID MY CHOICE 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #480 I’m in 6th grade and do not want masks anymore. I cannot breath. My friends feel the same. Please make it a choice 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #481 Masks restrict breathing, cause headaches dizziness irritate the skin and isolate 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #482 Masks should be Optional for all Optional for all. Masks do not work. 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #483 Masks should be optional 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #484 Wearing a mask is not difficult for some people. They are lucky. But we aren't all made the same. Some of us do suffer when we wear them. 3.3 avg rating 61 ratings #485 I believe the choice should be the students and the parents The role if the district is to educate. The role off the parents to to ensure the children and safe. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #486 I feel that masking at this juncture is no longer prudent for our children and they/we should have the option to not use them Risk of serious disease due Covid infection has inevitably evolved after 2 yrs. Mild cold symptoms aren’t enough to mask,test or keep children home 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #487 If this mandate continues much longer, my children will not attend HFL. We will find an alternative for education. The school will lose students and hence funding due to the continuation of this nonsensical mandate. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #488 It can’t happen fast enough The cost to children, their mental health and their academics have been hurt drastically. We must stop imposing greater measures on children. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #489 Masking should be a choice, regardless of vaccination status. People get Covid regardless of mask usage. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #490 Parental/Child Option! My child is Refused mask breaks and has a hard time breathing, leading to anxiety. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #491 People including me find it hard to focus and breathe with the masks on. This is not good and masks should be optional to people so they can have the freedom to breathe properly. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #492 Psychological ramifications of COVID restrictions on k-12 Studies are coming out, detrimentally affecting language, emotional, physical, and phycological well being of kids. Anxiety, depression are rising!! 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #493 Some people have problems with masks and it makes certain people get headaches and have a hard time breathing. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #494 Students are coming home and complaining about masks. They do not complain to a teacher who is constantly telling them to put their mask up. Just because my student is being respectful of their teacher and not complaining about a mask to them, does NOT mean they are okay with it. 3.3 avg rating 60 ratings #495 Allow medical and religious exemptions 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #496 Choice. If masks work, then compromised people shouldn't worry if they are wearing their mask properly. Masks are designed to protect the individual from the world, not the other way around. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #497 It is far less costly to society for those that are immune compromised to receive additional services. To be equitable to all students the option to remote learn for those that really qualify for accommodations must be available, but mask must go 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #498 Masking should be optional Covid 99.98% survival rate for children. Not one peer reviewed controlled study that prove that masks work. Depression and suicide are up 40% in child 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #499 Masks need to be optional Children are ten times more likely to die in a car accident. Start looking at the REAL data not just the data that fits your narrative 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #500 Masks should be made optional and vaccination status should play no role in this Everyone can get covid and can give it to others. Medical discrimination based on vaccine status has no place in a school promoting inclusivity. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #501 Masks should be optional. If kids want to wear them then do so, if not don’t. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #502 Must be made optional. If you're worried about your child getting sick, then you have the CHOICE to have them wear a mask. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #503 Parents should have the choice to mask or not, too many studies out now on mask/Vax ineffectiveness, for a virus that is 99.896 % survivable. Freedom is one of our countries founding principles, other countries (England), and states (FL) have given the choice to their people. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #504 The masks have made my child more introverted and actually SHY to have the mask off at school. This is not a healthy social environment They have created mental issues where none had previously existed 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #505 There are growing social emotional issues and academic issues among K-1 due to masking. K-1 need to be able to see faces to learn how to form words correctly and read. Too many issues are growing due to the inability to remove masks. 3.3 avg rating 59 ratings #506 Make masks optional. The risks of death of covid in children is less than rixk of suicide and motor vehicle accidents. Let parents have a choice about masks based on what is best for their own child. 3.3 avg rating 58 ratings #507 Masks are bad for acne 3.3 avg rating 58 ratings #508 Masks make me get mixed communication signals 3.3 avg rating 58 ratings #509 Vaccinations and masking should be optional. Neither have been proven to be effective for children. Just like those of you who want to protect those that are compromised parents want to protect the mental health of their children by unmasking them. 3.3 avg rating 58 ratings #510 Young children with developing brains should not have their breathing impeded all day, every school day. They are not at high risk and need O2 (not CO2) fit their growing brains. 3.3 avg rating 58 ratings #511 I’m 100% for it being optional. It should be our choice as parents to do what we think is best for our child. We are the parents and it’s suppose to be a world we live is suppose to give us a choice not be told what to do. 3.3 avg rating 57 ratings #512 Masks should be used if a student wants to wear one but they should not be required. Wearing masks forever is not helpful and in fact not healthy for students. Each student should be responsible for the their own healthcare decisions. 3.3 avg rating 57 ratings #513 Parents are best equipped to make medical and risk assessment decisions for their own children. We trust this in other areas, why not with masks? Parents medical decisions for their children must be trusted. They are ultimately responsible for them. 3.3 avg rating 57 ratings #514 People should have freedom of choice. Unmask the kids. We are doing more harm to the kids than good 3.3 avg rating 57 ratings #515 Masking should be optional 3.3 avg rating 55 ratings #516 Some of my friends are scared of covid so they can wear a mask. All of my other friends aren’t scared so we should be able to take our masks off The masks we have the cdc says don’t work so we should have to wear them 3.3 avg rating 54 ratings #517 Masks should be optional They aren’t affective in keeping us COVID free. In addition, masks have negative impacts in many ways. 3.3 avg rating 52 ratings #518 The vaccine is readily available and most people who are eligible have had a chance to be vaccinated if they so desire. School is a much less risky place now. Our strategies should reflect that. 3.3 avg rating 52 ratings #519 Why should everyone have to do the same thing? Our bodies and our health situations are all different. Masks should be optional 3.3 avg rating 52 ratings #520 Make them optional Kids don't wear them correctly, anyway 3.3 avg rating 51 ratings #521 People who are scared of covid are scared because they don’t understand that there are early treatment protocols that work! Forcing all to mask because you aren’t aware of this is irresponsible on you…Not others. 3.3 avg rating 50 ratings #522 How much $$ did you get for masking our kids? Why doesn’t the district have a say regarding masking but does for other Covid policies? Transparency is important. Our children are learning from you and trust you. 3.3 avg rating 49 ratings #523 If a child can’t stay home because of parents working, then I can see them being pulled into a sick room, making arrangements to protect the healthy We do not mask healthy children. If you can not risk being sick, stay home. Remote learn if you are immunocompromised. 3.3 avg rating 49 ratings #524 Kids are getting cold like symptoms- we don’t need to mask for colds and flus - never ever have before. 3.3 avg rating 34 ratings #525 Masks should be optional only It’s common sense and there’s 100 reasons why 3.3 avg rating 34 ratings #526 It should be allowed It’s a free country 3.3 avg rating 31 ratings #527 Any student or teahcer who would like to wear a mask, can feel free. I would even want schools to have n95 masks available for any student or teacher. We want to make sure any student or teacher who needs a mask, or would want one, should have a mask that is helpful, unlike the cloth masks worn now. 3.3 avg rating 20 ratings #528 Fear is the mind killer Stop teaching our children to blindly surrender individual rights out of fear. This is the exact opposite of the healthy skepticism they should learn. 3.3 avg rating 3 ratings #529 My first thought is that it is still too early to lift mask requirements given the current COVID numbers. It’s important to keep masks in place until there is more flexibility with windows being open and/or classes being outside. 3.3 avg rating 1 ratings #530 As an medical professional, masks work to reduce spread when layered with other mitigation techniques. 3.2 avg rating 61 ratings #531 Wake up and look at the data. How many healthy kids have died in NYS from Covid? What’s the rationale for masking if not to save our kids lives? If kids aren’t dying then why are we masking? Wake up 3.2 avg rating 61 ratings #532 It’s not fair we still have to wear these masks. We have been for two years and nothing is changing. The masks aren’t working. Let us breathe please!! 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #533 It’s too soon. I’d like to see positivity rates reduced more and vaccinations increased. Safety should take precedence over politics. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #534 Making mask wearing OPTIONAL for all kids is a must. Mask wearing is a detriment to the long term health and development of many (most?) kids, outweighing the risks. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #535 Masks should be optional and the choice should be up to individual families. We have "done our part" for 2 years. Now we are told by the CDC that cloth masks don't work. Take the bacteria laden pieces of cloth off these children. Let everyone choose! 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #536 Masks should be optional regardless of vac status. 2 years of mask and 1 since vac and still spreading obviously not effective. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #537 My son got COVID and had a runny nose for 3 days. He got the J&J vaccine, lost sight and hearing (15 min), nearly passed out, then ran a 1-day fever. Risk is different for everyone. Mask wearing (and vax) should be decided on a personal basis (in consultation with doctor if desired). 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #538 Optional 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #539 Third graders are policing each other to make sure they wear their masks right. They are inquiring each other's vax statuses. These conversations DO NOT BELONG IN SCHOOL 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #540 Treating all students and staff like they are disease vectors makes no sense. Mask choice, make it optional. Stay home if you are sick. Do not mask healthy children and adults. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #541 We need to deal with this like the flu. If you’re sick stay home. Covid is endemic at this bpoint. It’s not going away. Living is risky business. Teaching kids to be terrified of leaving the room for fear of getting sick is going to have lasting detrimental consequence 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #542 What is the point of leaving feedback if you are censoring ideas you don't agree with? All you get is manufactured consent and an echo chamber. Free speech is an important part of the democratic process, without a free flow of ideas, the discussion exists in a vacuum. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #543 why does everyone on here think they are experts on infectious disease…? masks WORK. stop getting your news from facebook. 3.2 avg rating 60 ratings #544 I appreciate everyone masking to keep all in our community as safe as possible. My young children at home are not eligible for vaccination. When everyone masks, I feel safer coming to school. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #545 I feel like masks are more of a security blanket for some. We have been told they do not work. Why continue this charade at the detriment of our children? It makes zero sense if you follow the science!! 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #546 Masks are a personal choice as they have been shown to be ineffective at stopping transmission of virus. Masking children that are at zero statistical risk of dying from Covid is ridiculous and should be considered child abuse. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #547 Masks don’t work Masks should be optional as they have proven that masks don’t actually work. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #548 Masks optional All of the masking has caused much emotional trauma among our students. Mental health issues are at an all time high. We must let the families choose. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #549 Masks should be optional. Having a choice is important. Many kids will still choose to wear masks. And others will choose not to. But each person should choose at this point. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #550 Parents and kids should have a choice to mask or not mask. Children need to see facial expression to better understand emotion. It is unfair that we are putting this burden on our kids. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #551 This should be a parental choice - NOT a forced political statement - NY state has shown extreme government overreach and it sickens me To see schools hide behind policy for a virus that has been proven to have a 99.98 survival rate. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #552 Vaccinations and masking should be optional. It’s weird that the government is giving incentives for vaccinations…I wonder what would happen if HF-L have out incentives to quit vaping… 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #553 Yes, keep masking. COVID shouldn't be like Pokemon. We do not want to catch them all. 3.2 avg rating 59 ratings #554 If certain teachers want to mask to “protect” themselves then they have that choice but stop making students mask for a cold 3.2 avg rating 58 ratings #555 If you want to wear a mask wear one. It should be a choice. 3.2 avg rating 58 ratings #556 Parents should have a choice. My parents know that for me the mask is harmful but they still make me wear one because we don’t have a choice 3.2 avg rating 58 ratings #557 People are scared to say they don’t want the masks. Most of the kids don’t but if you say that in front of someone who does want masks they yell at yo 3.2 avg rating 58 ratings #558 The majority of the kids hate wearing masks Kids have paid the price for adults who fear covid. It's time to let the parents choose what's best for their kids. 3.2 avg rating 58 ratings #559 Children should not be excluded from field trips or extracurricular events based on vaccination status. Masking and vaccinations should be a choice. If you truly are about ALL children the district would choose not to participate in events with these restrictions. Stand up for choice! 3.2 avg rating 57 ratings #560 If you want to mask children for the safety of children, children aren't suffering from the virus If you want to mask children for the safety of adults, shame on you 3.2 avg rating 57 ratings #561 We have complied with wearing masks for two years and it does not work. Vaxxed and unvaxxed people are getting and spreading Covid. Give people choice. 3.2 avg rating 57 ratings #562 Why are we even discussing this? The district has no say in what the states directive decides. Call your representatives. This is a pretend exercise to make you ‘feel’ like your heard 3.2 avg rating 57 ratings #563 Masks make me feel awful. I get dizzy and light headed when I am wearing my mask. 3.2 avg rating 56 ratings #564 There are far more considerations to this debate beyond physical health. Why is no one focusing on the full spectrum of issues that come with forced Masking? Covid protocols are doing a lot of damage and it’s being ignored in the name of public safety 3.2 avg rating 56 ratings #565 As we watch Europe transition pandemic to endemic removing all restrictions it’s important to note most of these countries never masked children. 3.2 avg rating 55 ratings #566 Shift from risk elimination to risk mitigation. As the virus has moderated and shown to have little impact on children, we need to relax. Masking children may occasionally prevent an obscure infection, however, it is more likely to cause other behavioral, mental, or health issues. 3.2 avg rating 54 ratings #567 We all want the best for our kids. For some families that’s masking and taking other measures to keep safe. For other families it looks different We need to be respectful not only to the kids who can mask all day without any negative effects, but to those who can. Masks need to be a choice 3.2 avg rating 54 ratings #568 I feel our children have the right to be unmasked in school. We go to Wegmans, walmart, target ect. With out wearing masks. 3.2 avg rating 53 ratings #569 We need choice.Teachers encourage critical thinking but we are not allowed to do so when it comes to anything Covid related decisions are being made FOR us not WITH us 3.2 avg rating 53 ratings #570 The sky is NOT falling The vocal minority that thinks it is should have a remote option for THEIR kids, so they can keep them safe 3.2 avg rating 50 ratings #571 We dont wear masks anywhere but school so whats the point 3.2 avg rating 36 ratings #572 If you truly believe in choice then why are you so angry when someone chooses differently than yourself? 3.2 avg rating 33 ratings #573 It should always be optional Some people are completely comfortable not wearing one. Why make them? 3.2 avg rating 30 ratings #574 Covid is never gonna end so why not 3.2 avg rating 18 ratings #575 I will pull my kids out of school if we have to mask and mandate vaccines 3.2 avg rating 5 ratings #576 Forcing children, who are statistically not at risk from this virus, to cover their faces is absolutely unacceptable in a free society. We must teach our children that individual freedom and choice are of the upmost importance. Also masks inhibit development. 3.1 avg rating 60 ratings #577 I've been diligent with masking, social distancing and vaccinations, but if masks are not effective then I would be ready for kids to stop using them. Kids getting back to normal social and school life without masks should be on the horizon, especially once the under 5 vaccine is released. 3.1 avg rating 60 ratings #578 In full agreement. Freedom of choice. 3.1 avg rating 60 ratings #579 Make masks optional 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #580 Make masks optional. It should be a family’s choice . 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #581 Masks are Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The vaccine is a personal mitigation factor. This is not about individual rights. Masks don’t work. No study has shown any efficacy of masks in the mitigation of Covid. Kids need to see faces. They need adults to be strong for the scared ones. 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #582 My child HATES school. For once, Put the Dollars on the Back Burner & do whats RIGHT! Unmask our kids, half of their faces are exposed daily anyways. 1+1 is not adding up 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #583 My kid has an autoimmune disease and got COVID in school. All viruses are a concern for families that deal with autoimmune diseases COVID didn’t change things for us. Regardless of the challenges always on our plate, we still believe in PARENTAL CHOICE for masking and vaccination. 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #584 We are the parents we should decide if our child wears a mask. Covid has been around for a lot longer than these 3 years. 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #585 We have done the mask thing to protect others...it is not working! It is time to cater to those who are struggling with their MENTAL health because of these masks. This needs to be a optional for them, their choice! 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #586 We should have the freedom to choose to wear our masks 3.1 avg rating 59 ratings #587 At this point in time, it not about wellness of humanity any more, but more of a nuisance that creates segregation of our communities. No one can predict what tomorrow will come. We need to show and teach our children that life is shot and to share the simplicities in life. 3.1 avg rating 58 ratings #588 Give families a choice. We will find alternative ways to educate our kids if HFL mandates mask use. 3.1 avg rating 58 ratings #589 Masks optional! Masks are PERSONAL Protective Equipment (PPE). Allow the individual to chooose. Vaccines are PERSONAL mitigation factors. It’s selfish to force these things on people, especially children! 3.1 avg rating 58 ratings #590 Moisture build up in the masks leads to sore throats. https://www.healthline.com/health/can-wearing-a-mask-cause-sore-throat Social / emotional- reading cues and responding to them. Masks hide this from others. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/do-masks-stunt-students-soc 3.1 avg rating 58 ratings #591 It has been proven in this weeks senate hearing on Covid 19 that masks don’t work. Using research by Dr. / scientist. Because many in the community believe they are protecting them and they are not. Because of this belief, it should be a personal choice for all. 3.1 avg rating 57 ratings #592 It should be optional. Kids are not spreading it. We need to see their smiles. It is negatively impacting them. Masks are causing health issues and my kids are bullied everytime they take their mask down for a break by their classmates. 3.1 avg rating 56 ratings #593 Keep rules, guidelines, and expectations clear and communicated - as you have been doing. It’s easiest to do what is expected when communications are consistent. 3.1 avg rating 56 ratings #594 Masking should be mandatory for all students and staff. Masking protects all. 3.1 avg rating 55 ratings #595 Parent choice! Cause headaches and other health issues for my kids. I do not co-parent with the government or any parent in this district! They belong in the trash 3.1 avg rating 54 ratings #596 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/25/schools-safely-make-masks-optional-new-cdc-guidelines/ 3.1 avg rating 54 ratings #597 At my school the kids want to have a choice to wear a mask Some kids like to wear them and some kids don’t. We should have a choice 3.1 avg rating 52 ratings #598 How about we start talking about what else we can do to stay healthy? Vaccines and masks haven’t worked. Let’s try something different after two years of failed strategies! 3.1 avg rating 52 ratings #599 I hope they make it optional. It’s so hard to breath in a mask all day. I go to the bathroom and take my mask down since we can’t have mask breaks now 3.1 avg rating 52 ratings #600 We have never been so concerned with other peoples health choices we don’t need to change that now. Masks should be an individual choice not a mandate 3.1 avg rating 52 ratings #601 A lot of families will choose to keep the masks on if they’re not mandatory. The only way to be fair to both sides is to allow CHOICE! Masks optional 3.1 avg rating 50 ratings #602 Optional masking would be the right choice. 3.1 avg rating 50 ratings #603 Considering the vaxxed children are shedding, maybe they should have to be separated from the healthy unvaxxed kids? We don’t need healthy unvaccinated children being blamed for something that has nothing to do with them. 3.1 avg rating 49 ratings #604 We used cloth masks because higher level protection was being saved for medical staff. Now higher grade PPE is available - the type that protects the WEARER. Stop being selfish and making everyone mask. Wear real PPE if you are really concerned for your or your child's health. 3.1 avg rating 49 ratings #605 If you believe the state doesn't get to tell you how to parent your child, you're living in a fantasy land. The state sets the rules of almost everything we do in our lives. And the SED and DOH set rules on student expectations and health and safety 3.1 avg rating 30 ratings #606 We need to consider the health of our children in a wholistic manner. Mandatory masks overly emphasis only one facet. 3.1 avg rating 30 ratings #607 Masks optional 74% of k-12 kids in HFL have been vaccinated (and this number is expected to rise) The unvaccinated are loud, but on the fringe. 3.1 avg rating 26 ratings #608 Masking ideal? No. My child has no problem wearing one but what is the end game? We need to hear thoughts of guidance on the phasing out of the mask wearing. What's our States/community plan? 3.1 avg rating 24 ratings #609 As we move into a new phase with COVID-19- we also start moving our lives to normalcy. We have never masked in schools with the common cold or flu Masks HAVE to be optional. 3 avg rating 60 ratings #610 It has always been, anyone with an autoimmune disorder should be masking when in a situation they feel they need to. Healthy people should not be masked. Masking causes illness. This too was revealed in the Senate investigation with 17 thousand Doctors in agreement. 3 avg rating 60 ratings #611 It should be for the comfort level of each person Emotional well being 3 avg rating 60 ratings #612 Masks are not fun to wear. But I recognize that they work, and SHOULD BE MANDATED to keep each other safe. For all the high risk students and staff, the least we can do to show empathy is to wear a piece of fabric over our faces. Masks save lives. 3 avg rating 60 ratings #613 No masks. I cant believe its taking this long They are harming kids. Anecdotally, it appears they don’t do much. Scientifically you can find plenty of studies that say they don’t work. 3 avg rating 60 ratings #614 Wearing a. A mask should be optional. Students and teachers need to concentrate on education. My children say teachers are more concerned. With masks 3 avg rating 60 ratings #615 Answer to "How will The district will protect staff from unvaccinated children" by encouraging them to wear their OWN mask. Even vaxed kids spread. Vaxed AND masked kids spread. Vaxed and masked teachers can spread too! 3 avg rating 59 ratings #616 Give families a choice, masks optional! Empower yourself by focusing on your PERSONAL health! Eat whole foods, get exercise, spend time outdoors, sleep well and take care of your body. My child's mask can't help you - you can help you!! 3 avg rating 59 ratings #617 We masked diligently for over 2 years and we still got covid Masks do not work 3 avg rating 59 ratings #618 What about personal responsibility? Make it optional and everyone who chooses not to wear a mask assumes the risks. Children need to see faces to learn effectively. Our kids mental health is suffering and for what reason? Has no one done a risk benefit analysis? 3 avg rating 59 ratings #619 Follow the science. Do not give into pressure from the science deniers. 3 avg rating 58 ratings #620 Most of the masks that are worn at school have been proven ineffective at preventing the spread of covid. There is no logic in keeping the mandate. 3 avg rating 58 ratings #621 two of my teachers have asked if im vaccinated and others in the class which should not be allowed 3 avg rating 58 ratings #622 I would like to remove masks off my kids Better for my kids mental and physical health. It should be the choice of the parent. 3 avg rating 57 ratings #623 Masks should be parents choice! Masks are harmful to our kids and should not be mandatory. 3 avg rating 57 ratings #624 The districts number one priority should be the health and safety of ALL students, staff and their families. Wearing a mask helps to protect those around you and the lives of high risk individuals far outweigh any inconvenience of mask wearing. 3 avg rating 57 ratings #625 We need our kids to foresee potential in their future so they maintain the option to go to college You’re only young once 3 avg rating 57 ratings #626 you are not oppressed for the choice to remain unvaccinated if you are worried about being bullied for being unvaccinated… that’s your choice… 3 avg rating 57 ratings #627 It’s all censored communication ….breakdown of. The opposition…the truth is trapped due to censorship 3 avg rating 56 ratings #628 75% of those that died from (with) covid had 4 or more comorbidities. 19% had at least one comorbidity. If they have 4 or more comorbidities, they are most likely not in school and if so, the flu, streph, or a cold, can have the same terrible results. 3 avg rating 55 ratings #629 Teachers preach to us about what they think people should do, including getting vaccinated. I have had teachers ask if I am vaccinated and if I am Safe to be around implying if I not vaccinated I am not safe. This happens in front of the entire class. 3 avg rating 55 ratings #630 Yes masks Masks help me keep my germs to myself. 3 avg rating 53 ratings #631 "The District of CHOICE?" Now I get it!!! 3 avg rating 49 ratings #632 People who are baffled over this argument because schools require other vaccines: Take the fact that so many people are opposing this particular vaccine, despite not being overall anti-vaxxers, and educate yourself as to why 3 avg rating 48 ratings #633 Please do it I lose my voice every week 3 avg rating 33 ratings #634 I can’t say they haven’t been helpful because they have been proven effect in medical settings. I do know people vaxed and boosted that got covid. 3 avg rating 23 ratings #635 Kids need to be able to see each other’s faces, but I worry about lower vaccination rates in our area. I worry that my vaccinated child will experience mild symptoms but pass Covid to unvaccinated toddlers in our home. 3 avg rating 5 ratings #636 The kids wearing masks wouldn’t be protected 3 avg rating 4 ratings #637 People are having long term effects from mild COVID infections. Masking helps lower transmission rates. We are both essential workers and quarantining and infection have broad community implications for those of us in healthcare. 2.9 avg rating 61 ratings #638 Mask up People are commenting COVID-19 (2019) has been around longer than 3 years. Please don't let them make this choice. 2.9 avg rating 60 ratings #639 Masks should be required until local and state health officials recommend otherwise. Following the guidance of qualified, educated health officials is the right thing to do, for the safety of our families and community. 2.9 avg rating 60 ratings #640 This mother’s heart breaks for what we’ve done to our children. Masking must be optional, it is everywhere else in their lives except where it is most disruptive… in the classroom. 2.9 avg rating 60 ratings #641 what will we gain from stopping masking? hate to break it to you, your kid’s life and mental health won’t magically be fixed as soon as they take off their mask… better to keep everyone safe 2.9 avg rating 60 ratings #642 Choice! Masks have proven to be ineffective. Look at the research that does not support masking in schools. Give us choice! 2.9 avg rating 59 ratings #643 I dont think its going to be up to you much longer so it won’t matter. If your kid wants to wear a mask, wear one. If not, don’t. It should be that simple. 2.9 avg rating 59 ratings #644 It should be optional. Masks are unconstitutional, students and staff should be able to wear them if they want. 2.9 avg rating 59 ratings #645 Until this virus is under control, it just doesn’t make sense to me why we would lift the mask mandate. 2.9 avg rating 59 ratings #646 I feel that most people are fine with masks but the district will bend the few loudest people who aren't. It's important to follow science. Keep masks until Monroe/Livingston rates are back down to 2or 3%. 2.9 avg rating 58 ratings #647 I want to go on the Virginia Beach music trip this year. I also want to play sports and stay in person. Mandating masks will allow that to happen. To reduce protective measures and put all of these activities in jeopardy is a bad decision. Don’t take these important activities away from us. 2.9 avg rating 58 ratings #648 Parents should be the ONLY ones to decide what is best for their own child. Schools and Govt have NO PLACE to dictate parents rights. MyKidsMyChoice! Kids have mental/emotional damage from being FORCED into masking because of Gov't bribery ($5mil) which should NEVER be above our kids health/devel. 2.9 avg rating 58 ratings #649 countries that have not masked have not had drastically different results- from what i am learning.healthy young people have miniscule risks from covi d and are not big spreaders so much has been put upon the public without appropriate justification1 thank you 2.9 avg rating 58 ratings #650 Masks should be worn . I would feel unsafe at school if they were not required. Many people including myself have family members that are high risk. I would feel uncomfortable seeing my grandparents if people didn’t wear masks at school because my exposure be would be too high. 2.9 avg rating 55 ratings #651 N95s and other masks that protect the immunocompromised are more readily available to the general public. The risk is not the same for all, therefore strategies should not be the same for all. 2.9 avg rating 53 ratings #652 All or Nothing. It will be too hard for students to follow and teachers to enforce rules that apply differently by vaccination status. 2.9 avg rating 51 ratings #653 Being vaccinated doesn’t make people immune from still getting it. After having COVID while vaccinated, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Staying healthy is a priority and keeps staff and students in school where it’s safe and clean. 2.9 avg rating 51 ratings #654 We now know that the masks most students are wearing does not prevent the spread. Unmasking the kids will not change the situation we are in 2.9 avg rating 50 ratings #655 Kids should be able to alleviate the fear of being in a pandemic by choosing to mask. Requiring all to mask would remove the possible stigma and bullying that would probably be faced by kids who want to mask to feel safe. 2.9 avg rating 31 ratings #656 as a high school student, i know that half the students aren’t even wearing their masks correctly if at all. honestly i am afraid for my safety 2.8 avg rating 61 ratings #657 Keep the mask mandate indoors for all. It helps keep little fingers out of noses and mouths along with protecting the immunocompromised. Mitigation strategies including mask wearing is a small individual ask for potential great community benefit. 2.8 avg rating 60 ratings #658 I believe the masks have done more harm than good in our family. My kids mental health and development has suffered from it. Masks should be optional 2.8 avg rating 59 ratings #659 It’s time to remove the mask mandate Because the risk is low and it’s time to return to normal. Kids already think wearing masks is “normal”. 2.8 avg rating 59 ratings #660 Masking for vaccinated students is no longer worth the negatives associated with this practice. Masks are uncomfortable and reduce connection among students and teachers. Thanks to vaccines and low Covid tranmission, they are no longer worth it. 2.8 avg rating 59 ratings #661 Sorry for the person who has to read these. Lots of big feelings. Please stick with science. Mask up absent vaccination and in surges. 2.8 avg rating 59 ratings #662 ChoiceMasks have created distress for children.! Children are pitted against each other 2.8 avg rating 57 ratings #663 My child’s body = his choice Your child’s body = his choice 2.8 avg rating 56 ratings #664 Decisions should be made based on the recommendations of the health department, CDC and health experts. Not on how for or against it people are. Masks won’t be around forever, but the timing of their removal needs to be based on data, science and overall public health and safety. 2.8 avg rating 52 ratings #665 What next? No Holocaust education? No Race? No LGBTQ+? Stop playing G_D. Start being humans. 2.8 avg rating 48 ratings #666 I see and hear so much misinformation being spread on social media and between individuals, it has exposed a frightening part of our community. I worry about what my kid will hear from other students if they choose to wear a mask and others don’t. 2.8 avg rating 4 ratings #667 Cloth masks do not work, but KN95 and KF94 masks DO! Get some! I did! 2.7 avg rating 60 ratings #668 Guidance on masking should be adhered to as recommended by local and state health officials. Judicial outcomes and politics have no place in this. The safety of our families and community as a whole is what matters most. 2.7 avg rating 60 ratings #669 Masks should still be mandated. In the hallways and even in classrooms, we are not distanced and are very close together. Proper masking immensely reduces the spread in close quarter 2.7 avg rating 60 ratings #670 As a teacher I can tell you that most students are not complaining about wearing masks at all, only a few parents/others are. I am not going to stop wearing a seat belt just because it doesn't guarantee I will survive an accident. Masks are scientifically proven to help! 2.7 avg rating 59 ratings #671 Not only should masks be mandated the school enforcement needs to be improved. Many students don’t wear their masks properly which defiantly worsened The recent surge at school. It makes me feel uncomfortable when I’m in class and sit next to someone not wearing their mask. 2.7 avg rating 59 ratings #672 Regardless of political view, the common sense-based decision is to continue mandating masks. Covid rates are still very high and we are still in the middle of winter, it makes no sense to lift the mandate when the positivity rate is so bad. 2.7 avg rating 59 ratings #673 masks should be required for EVERYONE anyone with any human decency would respect the fact that we need to keep everyone safe, and the way to do that is wearing masks. 2.7 avg rating 59 ratings #674 Everyone citing other states without masking rules don’t realize it’s not a free for all. Classes are podded and any exposure in a class is fully quarantining anyone choosing not to mask. Is that what we want again? 2.7 avg rating 57 ratings #675 masks should be mandatory i don’t want to risk the school being shut down again 2.7 avg rating 56 ratings #676 This is being censored completely unfair This should be an open platform not be censored to say what the censors choose completely unfair 2.7 avg rating 53 ratings #677 Masks help keep school open. We are in a freaking pandemonium people! 2.7 avg rating 52 ratings #678 What an absolute waste of time. If masking policies are not district level decisions, WHO CARES what the community thinks? Mitigation is just that, a level of protection. Don't play politics where science is concerned. STOP TRYING TO PLEASE BOTH SIDES! 2.7 avg rating 51 ratings #679 Masks have been proven to slow the spread in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Making masks optional will lessen the degree to which the spread will be slowed. 2.7 avg rating 50 ratings #680 Some students will want to wear masks to feel safe, but will not feel comfortable to do so. They will fear being picked on or bullied. We want all students to feel safe when they come to school. 2.7 avg rating 46 ratings #681 everyone citing the constitution should actually take some time to read the constitution 2.7 avg rating 44 ratings #682 Hard to believe most posting thoughts believe the district can change the policy. Until the state develops a metric to phase out the masks, we are stuck wearing them. Parental choice isn't an option for PUBLIC school. 2.7 avg rating 26 ratings #683 masks are optional with frequent covid tests for students Because masks are causing health issues for people and as the numbers go down they are less needed. 2.7 avg rating 20 ratings #684 Stay with the Science. Trust the experts. Who else knows more? 2.7 avg rating 19 ratings #685 To make a transition we will need a clear metric of the benchmarks required to phase out masking. The criteria should include what constitutes removing mask requirement and what constitutes reinstating masking. 2.7 avg rating 7 ratings #686 It is important to have a consistent stance for all students. An inconsistent rule would isolate those in the minority and put pressure to conform. It is hard for young students to stick to their beliefs when others disagree. Esp for something that, for some, may have larger possible consequences. 2.6 avg rating 60 ratings #687 There are enough unvaccinated individuals to drive high numbers. At the moment, masks should be required for everyone. Masks enable business to continue as normal and the schools to stay open. The science supports mask wearing as an effective mitigation strategy. 2.6 avg rating 60 ratings #688 Vaccine status helps prevent illness severity but does not stop contagion. Masking is our best tool for preventing spread of illness. If masks are removed, illness will be shared more easily. More children/staff will be out of school awaiting COVID tests and families out of work. 2.6 avg rating 60 ratings #689 We shouldn’t be burdening our educators and admins with a debate about what they cannot change. This will be decided at the state and federal level. Let them follow guidelines and use all this time and energy to focus on the kids. Not respond to straw man proxy wars based on unproven beliefs. 2.6 avg rating 60 ratings #690 How will educators protect themselves from unvaccinated students? We also have the health of our children, partners and elderly parents to protect while we may carry this extremely contagious virus home from school. 2.6 avg rating 59 ratings #691 I see people talking about dirty masks. Different subject. Educate on how to wear properly. Don’t send kids in with a used mask. Discard soiled ones Debate the topic at hand without introducing an easily controlled variable as a real objection. 2.6 avg rating 59 ratings #692 Mask should still be required in order to keep cases as low as possible This keeps more kids health and in school and help contain the spread to keep things open and running like sports in addition we need to protect other 2.6 avg rating 59 ratings #693 Masks are not completely about protecting the kids: it’s about the teacher that had cancer, the child that lives with a grandparent or infant sibling. Yes death rates are low for kids but we have all had a kid bring some sort of illness home. Masks reduce that risk significantly. 2.6 avg rating 59 ratings #694 Optional masking should be put into place when data shows that transmission rates are low Masking has been shown to be an effective mitigation strategy. The benefit to the greater good is more than the inconvenience for some. 2.6 avg rating 59 ratings #695 I am concerned about families that send their children to school with symptoms and the close contact my children will have with these students. 2.6 avg rating 58 ratings #696 I don’t feel that optional masks is safe or wise at this time If the spread is continuing with masks, I would hate to see what would happen without masks 2.6 avg rating 58 ratings #697 Just be respectful to the kids saying that the teacher spends more time telling them to pull their masks up than teaching, if people wore their mask it won’t be a issue 2.6 avg rating 58 ratings #698 Wearing a mask is not difficult Covid protocol is for the benefit of others and we should do everything in our power to help others, the mask is in no way harmful 2.6 avg rating 58 ratings #699 I hope we can be mask free soon. I don’t think we are quite there yet. I worry about that change coming too soon. Prefer to see case counts lower 1st. 2.6 avg rating 53 ratings #700 One teacher constantly yells at kids when there mask is up. 2.6 avg rating 53 ratings #701 I don't think a lot of adults in this community understand how masking and vaccinations work... Just because numbers are low NOW does not mean they will stay that way if we unmask and do not encourage vaccinations. 2.6 avg rating 52 ratings #702 Not sure it is the mask that has created the havoc...COVID has. So if people wear masks, get vaccinatted if they can, we may be able to see an end. 2.6 avg rating 52 ratings #703 Even if there wasn’t COVID, I think masks during flu season. It’s stopping the spread. 2.6 avg rating 51 ratings #704 Masks have helped stop the spread within schools. Our numbers are low in the schools compared to others I have seen. Nothing will stop spread 100%, but masking definitely helps. 2.6 avg rating 50 ratings #705 even vaccinated people can spread covid all should wear masks 2.6 avg rating 50 ratings #706 If masks are optional, students may be peer pressured or singled out by others for not wearing masks. Students should feel safe wearing masks. 2.6 avg rating 49 ratings #707 most kids do NOT wear their masks correctly...how about the administrators walk the halls and tell students to wear their masks properly? KIds learn by example...some teachers and the admin dont even wear them correctly!! WTH!? 2.6 avg rating 47 ratings #708 In the event that masking becomes optional,I would like to know how teachers can enforce some students masking per parent request? Teachers are balancing a tremendous load. Putting them on the front line to manage a case by case masking choice could be difficult. 2.6 avg rating 44 ratings #709 People talk about masks and kids' mental health. I am frequently in the schools and the kids deal with this much better than the adults. Kids are incredibly resilient. They will remember mask-wearing as a sacrifice made. Historically, kids have (and still do) deal with much worse. 2.6 avg rating 34 ratings #710 If you truly believe in choice then why are you so angry when someone chooses differently than yourself? 2.6 avg rating 23 ratings #711 Answered above Answered above 2.6 avg rating 4 ratings #712 I think we should follow CDC guidance on masking in public spaces. As long as that guidance suggests masks, masks should continue. 2.5 avg rating 60 ratings #713 It's an illogical idea at the present time given the present situation. We currently have a highly transmissible variant, high local case counts & winter is the season when covid & other respiratory viruses flourish anyway 2.5 avg rating 60 ratings #714 Masks keep us safe and should continue to be mandated. As a student at the high school, I would feel very unsafe if masks were optional. The school needs to do a better job of enforcing masks now as well. 2.5 avg rating 60 ratings #715 Option mask usage in schools should not even be on the table until the current pandemic is more under control. It is accepted that people buckle up when driving to save lives. Masks save lives. 2.5 avg rating 60 ratings #716 Protection rights of vulnerable staff and students All deserve health protections 2.5 avg rating 60 ratings #717 Covid is not yet endemic. Unlikely for sometime yet. People are in such a rush to get back to "normal." This is based on emotions. Feelings shouldn't dictate public health policy. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #718 Everyone is sick of this. Masks and vaccines aren't about control and no one wants to track you--you're not that interesting. These are prudent public health measures designed for a novel, deadly virus. Stop acting like you live outside of society. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #719 I have been proud of my kids as they learn and grow. While Covid had created some challenges, I believe they continue to. Masking hasn’t stopped them. We can protect our friends, families, classmates who might be more vulnerable. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #720 I would like to have masking in school tied to current rates. As rates get below a certain #, masking can go away. We can pivot back if rates go up. We can protect those at greater risk when COVID is spreading and not continue to mask (or have it voluntary) when risk is lower. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #721 Many parents seem to underestimate the risks of an infection while overestimating the risk from vaccines Would love to see the school host a science cafe on vaccines. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #722 Optional masking will lead to increased Covid and non Covid illnesses in schools leading to further disruptions and absences of both kids and staff. 2.5 avg rating 59 ratings #723 As a hospital worker, I have seen much Covid.As a mother, I have watched my kids learn to mask.Masking is not perfect, but it is a layer of protection If my child has Covid, a mask may keep them fr giving to others. While Covid itself may not be too terrible, quarantines and limitations can be too. 2.5 avg rating 58 ratings #724 Requiring school staff and students to wear masks could help reduce the need to close schools as part of lockdowns to stop the transmission of COVID. School closures have disrupted education. They have caused a range of adverse cons. incl. poor nutrition, social isolation and loss of learning. 2.5 avg rating 58 ratings #725 There are still younger siblings of students in the district who do not have access to vaccines. We have an obligation as a community to these children and their families. 2.5 avg rating 58 ratings #726 How will you address the inevitable divide between students who choose to be masked and those that aren’t. 2.5 avg rating 57 ratings #727 This is a lot of thoughts. I do understand that some parents and children will be uncomfortable with no masks and will be more comfortable if numbers Are even lower. 2.5 avg rating 57 ratings #728 Imaging if YOU had an immunocompromised family member or were immunosuppressed. Your "choice" would be a no-brainer. Someone else's selfishness is my literal LIFE 2.5 avg rating 53 ratings #729 Masks work. Kids may be okay, but if they have a vulnerable parent it is dangerous. So many children have been orphaned or lost a parent. 2.5 avg rating 53 ratings #730 We can only consider unmasking when vaccination is mandatory. Because this is what the overwhelming majority of experts recommend in order to keep children and their communities safe. 2.5 avg rating 52 ratings #731 Masking needs to be enforced by ALL teachers and administrators across the board. If there is inconsistency the students feel that they do not have to listen. Multiple reminders for multiple students every set. 2.5 avg rating 51 ratings #732 Please keep masks. They keep the vulnerable in our community safe. I am 65 and high risk. It is terrible reading comments that discount others lives. Minor inconvenience < people's lives EVERYTIME. 2.5 avg rating 51 ratings #733 Mask up indoors. We know it spreads while indoors. They aren't perfect, but every bit helps. 2.5 avg rating 50 ratings #734 😷 The same people saying they don't work are the ones who barely wear them. 2.5 avg rating 50 ratings #735 Should be required for all Unknown and low vaccination rate 2.5 avg rating 49 ratings #736 Should be required for all students, staff Because too many choosing to remain unvaccinated 2.5 avg rating 48 ratings #737 vaccinated and boosted, your choice. 2.5 avg rating 48 ratings #738 Children (and parents of) who oppose mask wearing bully those who feel more comfortable wearing them. The issue isn’t one sided. 2.5 avg rating 45 ratings #739 If masking becomes optional I’m still going to have my kids wear masks. Masks minimize spread. 2.5 avg rating 45 ratings #740 Parents don't push the school district or teachers to do things. 2.5 avg rating 44 ratings #741 Feel strongly about leaving over a mask mandate? Go. Places that lack strong public health oversight often lack education oversight as well. We all have freedom to choose where we live, work, go to school and what we value most. Priorities are a choice but shouldn't be turned into empty threats. 2.5 avg rating 40 ratings #742 There are people saying that the people who want masks are "bullying" and rude, but looking at these "thoughts" it is the opposite. If you truly believe in choice then why are you so angry when someone chooses differently than yourself? 2.5 avg rating 33 ratings #743 Vaccinated people can still get and spread Covid-19. Because vaccinated people can become infected with and spread Covid-19, it is safest for everyone if we wear masks. 2.5 avg rating 10 ratings #744 Masks work. They are not 100% but they do reduce risk. So we should do what we can to cut risk. Its untrue to say masks don't work. That is why all need to wear them. To care about others as much as yourself. 2.4 avg rating 61 ratings #745 We should continue to enforce masks in school because it has kept our children, teachers and school staff safe for the past 2 schools years. It is important that we continue with requiring masks in school to ensure all students can still learn. Not requiring masks may result in school closu 2.4 avg rating 61 ratings #746 Based on scientific research, we are all safer while wearing masks. My hope is that it continues. Feeling safe & staying well = ability to learn. All should wear masks because school staff would have no way of knowing who was really fully vaccinated. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #747 I'll worry for the safety of my children and the staff. I'm concerned sickness will spread more and there may not be enough healthy staff to work. Keep our schools open and healthy. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #748 It has been scientifically proven that proper masking helps mitigate transmission of Covid. All staff&students should mask regardless of vaccination status as we know there are break through infections even if one is fully vaccinated. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #749 I’ve been a School RN for 22 years. I did not see children exhibit any adverse physical or mental health issues from wear a mask. Children do better in the school setting. Keep them in school. That must be done safely and mask use should be part of that strategy. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #750 Kids under 5 can't be vaccinated yet. Many have older siblings in school; if they contract covid at school, they'll likely share it with their younger, unvaccinated siblings. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #751 Many people believe the flu is more dangerous to kids than covid. Universal masking helps mitigate the spread of flu. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #752 Masks while sick with anything Other countries have long used masks when they are not feeling well while they go about daily life to curb the spread of germs. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #753 Masks work best when all parties are masked. High risk people would not be adequately protected if they are the only ones masking. To protect our high risk staff and students. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #754 My freedom of avoiding Covid which involves everyone masking is just as important or more so than the choice to not wear one. It's important because one's choice can make others sick. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #755 Our child has been able to attend school thanks to the mask mandate. If it is taken away, there is a chance my child will get sick and be out of schoo It is important to keep this mandate to ensure all children are in schools and learning. We want to continue to keep our house and community safe. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #756 Saying "if you're scared wear a mask, don't make me wear mine," skips over the most important reason why we wear masks. Masks reduce the viral shed of an infected person and decrease the chances of infecting someone else. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #757 Wearing masks in the schools helps stop the spread of Covid-19 in schools. Wearing a mask significantly reduces the possibility of school closures and the possibility to prevent outbreaks. 2.4 avg rating 60 ratings #758 If wearing a piece of cloth saves one life isn’t it worth? It shouldn’t be optional: we all need to work together. We aren’t good at optional. Protecting friends, family, and strangers by simply wearing a mask- it’s not difficult or burdensome and it works. 2.4 avg rating 59 ratings #759 Masks prevent infectious people from spreading infections. The science is clear. As long as COVID is surging and 0-5 y/o kids cannot be vaccinated, we have to take interventions where we can. 2.4 avg rating 59 ratings #760 This is a pandemic. All students, staff and visitors to the school should wear masks to slow the spread. 2.4 avg rating 59 ratings #761 There are so many kids who have not been vaccinated yet. Masks serve as extra protection from easily spreading new variants & help curb the spread to students with underlying conditions and their families. 2.4 avg rating 58 ratings #762 Masking should be a continued requirement for the remainder of the current school year. For continuity and to give families time to plan with requirements changing so fast! 2.4 avg rating 57 ratings #763 Mask it up and keep your cooties to yourself. Oh no! The panini! It's broken. 2.4 avg rating 52 ratings #764 If schools are to remain open and to protect the most vulnerable members of our community, masking in schools and public areas is essential. Wearing a high-quality mask is shown to curb the spread of covid and other viruses, lessening the chance of another, possibly more severe, mutation. 2.4 avg rating 51 ratings #765 If wearing masks protects others, a true community would do what was best for our most vulnerable populations. It is uncomfortable and annoying to wear a mask but if it protects my family, neighbors, and friends, I will continue to wear one without complaint. 2.4 avg rating 51 ratings #766 Masks DO work. I cannot believe people are commenting that masks do not make a difference /ineffective. Masks have kept our school district open and people healthy 2.4 avg rating 51 ratings #767 Masking is working to help prevent the spread in schools. Why change what's working? 2.4 avg rating 50 ratings #768 Masks should be based on the positivity rate in the community. If spread is low community-wide, people would be able to choose. If it is high, we need to act quickly to prevent more spread. 2.4 avg rating 50 ratings #769 I think masks should be required for all staff and students until covid is completely under control. Since masking has been in place, my family has avoided even minor colds. I believe masks play an essential role in lessening the spread of contagions. 2.4 avg rating 49 ratings #770 Everyone in the school community should continue to wear masks, while inside, at all times. To protect the immunocompromised and elderly. As more people contract the virus, it has more chances to mutate and generate new variants. 2.4 avg rating 48 ratings #771 Masks are needed I do not know or trust what everyone is doing outside of school and who they are interacting with. Masks keep us safer in schools 2.4 avg rating 48 ratings #772 Medical professionals should be trusted to make medical and health related decisions. Opinions of non-medical professionals, like me, should not be applied to medical decisions. I am a professional educator, that is my expertise. 2.4 avg rating 47 ratings #773 I see data about the effectiveness (or lack) of various kinds of masks re: reducing covid spread (and thus death) but other than anecdotal instances, I don't see data showing harm from wearing masks. We all have to do things we don't like doing sometimes but the data doesn't support "optional" yet? 2.4 avg rating 45 ratings #774 There should be a set standard until the pandemic is completely under control and reaches endemic status. It will be nearly impossible to enforce another mask mandate, if one becomes necessary, after relaxing the standard. 2.4 avg rating 45 ratings #775 It's not going to keep everyone safe. It shouldn't be optional. 2.4 avg rating 43 ratings #776 Reading comments, wow! As a teacher (in another district) I wear a mask all day and work with with masked kids all day - not an issue other than proper fit. Mental health, academic gaps, social skill lag - pandemic related? Yes. Masking related? No! Finances, isolation, politics, online learning 2.4 avg rating 43 ratings #777 Minimizing viral infections should be first and foremost in preventing the spread of the virus and consequent Long COVID, hospitalizations anddeath. 2.4 avg rating 34 ratings #778 Endemic doesn't mean what many seem to think. HIV and Hep A are endemic in some areas and most people take universal precautions against transmission. Because, no thanks. Even though survivability is high. Endemic is not about normal, severity, or total #s, it just means a rate at 1:1 transmission. 2.4 avg rating 30 ratings #779 You say it's against your rights. You say you will leave if you don't get your way. Go. Your not helping to solve the problem, you're part of the problem. There is a long line of families that want to live in our district. 2.4 avg rating 24 ratings #780 Masks should remain mandatory because we are in a global pandemic. This should not be a questionable or optional policy. Science, data, facts. I have small children under ager 5 that cannot be vaxxed. They have been hospitalized due to covid. This isn't a joke. 2.4 avg rating 21 ratings #781 Covid tests will be often If someone does have covid they can quarantine. 2.4 avg rating 15 ratings #782 I want to ensure my kids are safe. How will you ensure my kids (if masked) won’t be within 6 feet of unmasked kids, especially those unvaccinated. 2.3 avg rating 61 ratings #783 Masks needed for now.The “unconstitutional” comments are a bit hyperbolic. There’s long precedent for having rules to in place to protect the masses. It’s important not to run to a 200 year old document about rules for governance in order to justify feelings about a modern public health crisis. 2.3 avg rating 61 ratings #784 Public health measures should not be optional in a public school setting. 2.3 avg rating 61 ratings #785 The masks aren’t forever and they don’t do any harm. They reduce the distance a cough/exhale/sneeze can travel. Not perfect, but better than naught We will get through this,we shouldn’t waste time squabbling with the school.It’s one mitigation tool. Vaxs even better.Sooner we all get it the better 2.3 avg rating 61 ratings #786 Although free choice is important, we do need to consider how those choices impact other people. We need to consider the health of the whole group. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #787 I am concerned for my son that is not old enough to be vaccinated. Until he is vaccinated, I would prefer for him to have as much protection as possible. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #788 I believe that masks are important in protecting the spread of viruses and until they have a vaccine that works, the masks should be required. Masks are a small sacrifice for the protection and wellbeing of children, students, parents, and staff. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #789 I disagree with optional masks in schools I have no idea who is or who is not vax’ed and would rather be safe than sorry. I am a >55yr old para in the HS and my safety is imp bc of Grandbabes 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #790 I do not agree with optional masking. We have been able to keep the spread at a minimum by masking at school. In order to stay focused on learning with few disruptions, masks should stay. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #791 Masks have been known to help mitigate disease spread going back generations. It’s why we wear them in patient care. Vaccinate all or mask when needed It’s important to stop waging war on tools we have available to prevent spread. Schools are a nexus point where disease can spread easily to families 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #792 Masks required for all based on Monroe County infection rates. PUBLIC schools required to provide a safe environment for ALL students. Masks are critical to maintaining safety for at risk students/families . Only some students required to wear- too complex & difficult to enforce. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #793 Masks should be worn while inside school buildings until the CDC/medical community says it is safe to go without. Not everyone is 100% healthy and it is up to us as a community to protect our children and school staff that need our help and protection. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #794 Pro mask Haiku People yell freedom. Good public health proactive. Protect our children 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #795 Rates should be low (1%) in Monroe and Livingston before getting rid of masks. And if it goes up than add them back. We should use as tool as needed Rely on science. Both infection rates and tools like masking that do reduce risk. Seatbelts aren't 100% but we wear them. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #796 The problem is many vaccinated individuals show little to no symptoms. They don't miss school and can carry easily to others. This can cause harm to those who choose not to be vaccinated or are immunocompromised. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #797 We moved to NY because of the mask mandate in schools and keeping kids in school. Consider the amount of kids and staff that will be out sick if we take the mandate away and irresponsible parents send sick kids to school. I will sue 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #798 Why should my kids get Covid from other kids who are not making safer choices. My freedom to not get Covid is infringed on because of other's choices. 2.3 avg rating 60 ratings #799 "Because people should be safe" (1st grader) 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #800 As per my previous comment. It is also the duty of the district to ensure a safe working &learning environment. Therefore, masking is important. It will help mitigate the spread of Covid to students, staff and the community at large. 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #801 At some point, we will ditch the masks, but we are not there yet. COVID doesn't care if you're over it, because COVID certainly isn't over you. 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #802 I support masking Beyond COVID, there are immunocompromised people in our schools and masks help reduce the spread of germs. 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #803 Take input from teachers and student-facing staff most seriously. They are the ones risking the most for our kids. Teachers may be parents or elderly caregivers. We need them to feel safe at work. 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #804 Until we are at low levels of community spread I think masks should be required. Optional doesn't keep everyone safe. Optional doesn't work when others affect others. 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #805 We don’t have freedom of choice in all things and we never have. Often times additional rules are in place during a crisis - let’s do our part. Using a layered approach to is simply the only way to slow this down. Many will get it, we can’t have everyone getting it all at once 2.3 avg rating 59 ratings #806 For those with immunocompromised selves or family members, masking may be critical. Seeing others unmasked may lead to younger kids removing theirs without understanding the risks for those at home. 2.3 avg rating 58 ratings #807 How will the district protect its employees who will be exposed to unvaccinated children? The district is already struggling for coverage during breakthrough cases. 2.3 avg rating 58 ratings #808 Masks should continue to be mandatory for all. I feel this is important because immuno-compromised people should at this point continue wearing a mask. They should not feel singled out. 2.3 avg rating 58 ratings #809 Why wouldn't a parent choose to ensure everyone's safety? 2.3 avg rating 58 ratings #810 Keep masks until vaccination. COVID is in the top 10 causes of death for children. We can help mitigate the risk. My kid may be healthy, but yours may not. I care beyond my own family. 2.3 avg rating 56 ratings #811 Keep them required until we are in a better place. Masks protect both the person wearing them and the people around them. Making it optional increases the risk for everyone. 2.3 avg rating 51 ratings #812 This would put students and staff in unnecessary risk at this time. This puts kids/staff/family members at risk until the numbers are under control. 2.3 avg rating 51 ratings #813 We need masks People saying your child has anxiety, depression, scared to come to school etc. MASKS have nothing to do with that... masks aren't harming anyone. 2.3 avg rating 51 ratings #814 should be pushing for vaccines stop the spread of covid 2.3 avg rating 51 ratings #815 I feel masks should still be worn. Current variant appears very transmissible and students/staff are often with in 6 feet of each other. High numbers are still being seen in community. 2.3 avg rating 50 ratings #816 Legal immunity is no reason to gauge the interest of the public. The BOE has no place considering removing masks when health and safety are concerned Just because you can't be sued if a student or staffer gets sick is no reason to ACT like you care about health and safety. Be smart not self serving 2.3 avg rating 50 ratings #817 Masking is a must To prevent infection 2.3 avg rating 50 ratings #818 I get they are not fun to wear But it has been proven to reduce the spread and in schools there an be alot of spread. Stay masked! 2.3 avg rating 47 ratings #819 I do not believe these students have the mental capacity or maturity to make masking decisions on their own. Many just go off of what parents say- need to have definite rules at school, busing, after school activities. 2.3 avg rating 46 ratings #820 Until Covid variant risk is minimal I believe mask wearing is important for minimizing spread. Keep kids & teachers safe - wear masks. I’d rather have kids & teachers in school wearing masks than at home sick. 2.3 avg rating 44 ratings #821 I worry that we will have an onslaught of illness right away, including Covid but also things like strep, etc. We should anticipate a lot of absences. Large numbers of absences affects classroom instruction on many levels. Our short-term expectations may have to be adjusted if masks become optional. 2.3 avg rating 40 ratings #822 I am afraid if students choose to wear or not wear our children will be divided like our town. Keep the masks un until the end of the school year. Check the numbers in the summer when the masks come off and reevaluate for next year. 2.3 avg rating 38 ratings #823 The schools have an obligation to keep our students safe. If it isn't possible to require students be vaccinated then all should mask. Public education is for all children who reside in a particular school district. Without mask requirements our health -compromised wouldn't be attend 2.3 avg rating 34 ratings #824 I believe students should be required to wear masks a little longer until the Covid surge has subsided more. I believe masks help prevent the spread of Covid. 2.3 avg rating 33 ratings #825 No one chose to be in the middle of a pandemic. This is not about personal choice or politics; it is about what makes sense to keep people healthy. For many people, this virus is mild. For others, however, it is debilitating or deadly. Keep masks in place until the numbers go down. 2.3 avg rating 33 ratings #826 Individual "choice" should not enter into a debate about public health policy. We wear bicycle helmets and seat belts---no matter our "choice." Right now masks mitigate the spread of a contagious, potentially dangerous virus. Therefore, they should be required at the moment. 2.3 avg rating 32 ratings #827 N/A N/A 2.3 avg rating 28 ratings #828 Teachers & students are on the frontlines interacting daily aka they are the most susceptible just from the amount of germs. There are barely any subs to cover classes even WITH mask policy. If we take that away, we will easily be back to remote instruction within a week. 2.3 avg rating 23 ratings #829 The infected is the first concern and should be wearing a mask. Since we do not know who is infected and when then all should wear a mask in building To stop the spread as much as possible. Distance and masks work to reduce transmission. 2.3 avg rating 23 ratings #830 Infection rates are still terrible, why would we suddenly decide that we no longer need protection? People who can't or won't get the vaccine, or even those who have, are in very real danger right now. Removing a safety measure is foolish and cruel. 2.3 avg rating 9 ratings #831 Sure it makes you feel bad or makes you perform slightly worse. Would you rather die? Covid is serious. Take it seriously. 2.3 avg rating 9 ratings #832 As a school employee, I feel safer when everyone is masked. A safer-feeling employee is more productive and better able to help our students learn SEL & wellness - important for staff & students. Masks contribute to SEL for many. They are scientifically proven to keep viruses from spreading. 2.2 avg rating 61 ratings #833 Trust the science. Let's stay healthy. Mask up. 2.2 avg rating 61 ratings #834 Changing of masking guidelines should be based on when there is low community spread. Removing protections during a surge is bad public health. 2.2 avg rating 60 ratings #835 I am afraid if the masks are taken off covid will spread and schools will get shut down again. It would be harder on kids if schools are shut down. Remote learning was tougher on my kids than wearing a mask. Sometimes they forget to take off the mask when they get home! 2.2 avg rating 60 ratings #836 Can’t be optional.Those that expose themselves to the most risk are often the ones who won’t choose to wear it.Defies way masks work - exhale v inhale Lessens effectiveness.Much like vaccines, while not perfect they are more effective when universally used. If all were vaxxed then masks could go 2.2 avg rating 59 ratings #837 Do you want virtual school again? Because this is how you get virtual school again. 2.2 avg rating 59 ratings #838 Shouldn't be optional. No way to tell who is vaccinated - adults in the buildings don't know all kids or their vaccination status. Some will lie. To keep unvaccinated people from spreading virus. Also to keep vaccinated people from spreading virus. Fewer colds & other sicknesses, too. 2.2 avg rating 59 ratings #839 We know masks aren't perfect, but until all students can't be vaccinated they help limit risk. Increase mask quality and education, while encouraging student vaccination. 2.2 avg rating 59 ratings #840 If you take the mask mandate away some parents might sue the school board if kids get sick sue to eliminating mandate HFL is a great school district and I know it want to do the right thing for the majority of the kids. 2.2 avg rating 58 ratings #841 Please do not leave public health up to parental choice. Follow indoor guidelines based on the best science available. Parents aren't experts and their choice influences others health. 2.2 avg rating 58 ratings #842 Some students, faculty, and staff are immunocompromised, so vaccines may not afford them sufficient protection. Others medically can't be vaccinated. What are they supposed to do? Homeschool? Resign? It's not very inclusive to make school an even bigger health risk for them. 2.2 avg rating 58 ratings #843 Masks hide acne and keep the noise warm in the frigid school The school is freezing!!!!! 2.2 avg rating 56 ratings #844 masks work! to prevent infection duh! 2.2 avg rating 51 ratings #845 Keep masking mandatory. If you believe "my child's body, my choice" feel free to take your child out of school and homeschool them. Best of luck! 2.2 avg rating 50 ratings #846 Mask Up. For people saying we need to return to "normal"... this is our normal now. This is not going away. Better to properly educate students on mask benefit 2.2 avg rating 50 ratings #847 too many children unvaccinated push vaccinations 2.2 avg rating 50 ratings #848 Masks are necessary regardless of vaccination status because variants will continue until the general population reaches herd immunity. Masks should be required because until the Covid virus is completely relegated to endemic status more variants will pop up in the population. 2.2 avg rating 49 ratings #849 How will we monitor vaccination status if it's optional? That would be a nightmare to manage. 2.2 avg rating 48 ratings #850 i work very close to children and would like them masked helpful in stopping spread of germs 2.2 avg rating 48 ratings #851 Remote learning NOT ideal If we get rid of masking we risk going back to remote learning which was horrible for many students and teachers. Please mask up 2.2 avg rating 47 ratings #852 Optional mask wearing should be phased in starting in the spring. It is too soon to start now due to Covid rates and anxiety. Start slow. 2.2 avg rating 43 ratings #853 I had COVID and it was excruciatingly awful. I want to take zero risk with my child. Because my child is important. 2.2 avg rating 40 ratings #854 Keep kids masked. 2.2 avg rating 38 ratings #855 Unmasking in public is like smoking in public. Keep others safe by wearing a mask. Public safety 2.2 avg rating 35 ratings #856 Everyone's mental health will improve significantly when the pandemic is over or more manageable. At the moment, masks help as a short-term solution. Kids' mental health is a factor, but masks will not be forever. 2.2 avg rating 34 ratings #857 While it may not make kids super sick, it could make other (immunocompised adults in their life) sick 2.2 avg rating 32 ratings #858 The supporting, scientific evidence supporting the wearing of masks emphasizes the prevention of SPREADING the virus. Wearing a mask is to keep others healthy. One's decision to remain unmasked is a complete disregard for the health and safety of others. 2.2 avg rating 27 ratings #859 I am nervous- feel like less sickness goes around with masks on 2.2 avg rating 26 ratings #860 As a parent of HFL students and a teacher elsewhere, my primary concern & directive is to prevent further spread. We must teach habits of empathy. The dislike of masks pales in comparison to the grief and guilt of spreading sickness to family and friends. Do you model selflessness or selfishness? 2.2 avg rating 25 ratings #861 Schools can enforce dress codes, why not mask wearing? Masks are no more inconveniencing than pants for the vast majority of people, so there is no reason why schools shouldn't be able to enforce their use 2.2 avg rating 13 ratings #862 Few staff related to our whole have gotten sick and in order to stay open, we need to keep it that way. Mask up in school. 2.1 avg rating 61 ratings #863 I support making masking optional for vaccinated students. Covid-19 vaccines have been proven safe and effective, and both transmission and negative health outcomes for kids are rare. 2.1 avg rating 60 ratings #864 The current mask policy should remain in place through the end of this school year. By Sept. we will be in a better place to decide how to proceed. With so many Covid variants popping up, it would be foolish to risk everyone's health because some people are tired of following health protocols. 2.1 avg rating 60 ratings #865 At least through surges and based on variant transmission. Absent those, masks for vaccinated is sound. This reduces transmission and allows us to adjust as this moves towards endemic (likely 18-24 months off). Then hopefully NO masks at all! 2.1 avg rating 59 ratings #866 all need vaccinations then maybe masks can go away 2.1 avg rating 52 ratings #867 If masks are made optional will there be a more frequent testing protocal in place? Can we go back to the health screening email every morning? Health screening at least made people a lttle more accountable. Frequent testing would hopefully catch more cases before too much spread happens. 2.1 avg rating 45 ratings #868 Think of other vaccines required to enter school... This is not a new issue so I'm baffled by the amount of people arguing this. 2.1 avg rating 45 ratings #869 We should follow the best science and data we have available about mitigating transmission rates along with what we know about current covid morbidity mortality. I continue to have concerns about the unknowns of repeat/asymptomatic covid for myself and others even as a healthy vaccinated individual. 2.1 avg rating 42 ratings #870 Masks should not be optional for anyone, but especially so for the unvaccinated. Everyone should continue to wear them. Masking is the least intrusive, best method, of keeping kids in school and safe. 2.1 avg rating 40 ratings #871 If people feel masks used at school and the way they are worn are ineffective, we should work on that rather than dropping the mandate. Masks reduce spread. We already have guidelines for proper wear and no gaiters; continue education/enforcement/update policy to no cloth. 2.1 avg rating 35 ratings #872 I feel it would be too difficult to keep track of who and who is not vaccinated. Therefore, at this time, I feel we ALL need to remain masked. I would be concerned of ever getting ahead of all the spread if we were to go unmasks. 2.1 avg rating 34 ratings #873 This variant is known to be highly contagious and we need to keep transmission down. 2.1 avg rating 31 ratings #874 Masks should be required when numbers are high (as in the present moment), and optional when numbers are low. Masks must be seen as a necessity, not a default. 2.1 avg rating 30 ratings #875 Until numbers go down, masks should be required for everyone. After the numbers go down and experts agree, children should not be in masks. Mask policy should not be a debate about "choice," because of the simple fact an unmasked individual spreads the virus much more easily. 2.1 avg rating 30 ratings #876 When would this start? Right now with a COVID outbreak doesn't seem the time to unmask. Data last year proved that there were less students sick in winter due to masks. 2.1 avg rating 28 ratings #877 I hate wearing them but at this time we cannot relax the mandate. Especially since we do not know the long term affects on children that get the virus Too many are dying. 2.1 avg rating 21 ratings #878 Masks should continue to be worn by all Because it helps keep more people safe especially those who are immune compromised and have extra risk factors 2.1 avg rating 13 ratings #879 Follow CDC guidelines. Protecting one another. 2.1 avg rating 8 ratings #880 Promask limerick There once was a man from HF-L. "Masks are a conspiracy! he yelled. He didn't get the vaxx, Listened to quacks. Now he lost his sense of smell. 2 avg rating 60 ratings #881 Anxiety levels will not decrease but be more heightened There’re many that still feel masks and hand washing is the way to go! 2 avg rating 59 ratings #882 COVID-19 vaccination should become mandatory, just like many other vaccines necessary to attend public school. It provides protection for everyone. 2 avg rating 59 ratings #883 If you are vaccinated and boosted, masks should be optional and at your choice. 2 avg rating 47 ratings #884 Masking hurts NOTHING and offers protection for students and all school staff. School staff have carried so much of the Covid burden-remote teaching, sanitizing, encouraging hygiene, contact tracing, etc. PROTECT THEM. 2 avg rating 46 ratings #885 We aren’t out of the woods yet typical flu season is starting I’d mask until we can have the windows open and we have more sunshine Airflow and time of year germs 2 avg rating 45 ratings #886 Let's finish the year with mask so the school may not need them in September. 2 avg rating 43 ratings #887 Masks should be required in school for my safety and for my students safety. Masks help mitigate the spread of covid. Some teachers and students may be at risk if they get covid, and we should mask to protect all. 2 avg rating 43 ratings #888 Wait until summer to see how cases are trending. Windows can be open, everyone has a break, cold and flu season will be over. 2 avg rating 43 ratings #889 Mask up. Kids CAN die. Those "paper masks" aren't paper. That covid can be transmitted despite vax/mask is more reason to stay the course, not to give up. 2 avg rating 40 ratings #890 Same as the first. 2 avg rating 38 ratings #891 Those of spouting it's your constitutional right. Not a valid argument. So is the second amendment. How do you think it would go over if you carried on school grounds? 2 avg rating 29 ratings #892 I teach in a different district. If they remove masks as a health requirement, I won't risk my own safety by staying. Why would any teacher risk that? It's incredibly selfish to fuss about putting on a mask as defense against sickness and death. School should be a place of safety - not risk. 2 avg rating 27 ratings #893 Optional masks are idiocy. It’s all or nothing. All or nothing because if only some are compliant, then it continues to put the entire population at risk when another variant pops up. 2 avg rating 26 ratings #894 Please consider all people that will be affected by this: teachers, staff, students, students' families, staffs' families. There could be people who are not able to fight the virus at home that may not have any say in the matter and are just exposed due to family at school 2 avg rating 16 ratings #895 The state has a constitutional responsibility to enforce masking. In the preamble to the Constitution, it says that the purpose of the government is to promote the general welfare. That means keeping us safe/healthy. 2 avg rating 9 ratings #896 Require masks only when the virus is running rampant with high infection rate. Optional masks once we hit a certain infection rate. No req’d vax. 1.9 avg rating 58 ratings #897 It believe that masks should be optional for those who are vaccinated. For those who have chosen not to be vaccinated, masking should be mandatory. It is important to protect everyone, including the masked individual, from transmission and effects of severe disease. 1.9 avg rating 56 ratings #898 Move to optional on May 9 (due to the possible spike from Spring Break). It would allow us to shift our focus back to learning. NOTE that shift will occur only if rate of spread remains under 8% 1.9 avg rating 49 ratings #899 Mask indoors. Parents are getting bad information. 350% increase in speech delays? The source says otherwise. One clinic went from 5-20% and then said, "There’s no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays." 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1.9 avg rating 46 ratings #900 You need to get kids safe place, which means protecting them from a pandemic. 1.9 avg rating 46 ratings #901 It is too soon to stop wearing masks. We are not quite through the winter surge. Data and experience show masks work. 1.9 avg rating 43 ratings #902 Let's leave smoking indoors up to personal choice! Freedom...this is America. Oh, wait. I'd be hard-pressed to find any difference between the pro-choice mask argument and this one...except COVID has killed more people this year 1.8 avg rating 47 ratings #903 Encourage vaccinations Hopefully no masks will encourage more vaccinations 1.8 avg rating 38 ratings #904 There is more risk of unmasking than keeping our kids in masks. They are not harmful. They have adapted. 1.8 avg rating 35 ratings #905 Until the schools change the quarantine protocols, we need masks to keep kids in school 1.8 avg rating 31 ratings #906 I believe masks should be worn especially by the unvaccinated. I am immune compromised and am concerned how the virus will affect me and my family. 1.8 avg rating 17 ratings #907 On 1.7 avg rating 34 ratings #908 An entire community cannot be forced to do something to protect a small group of people that aren’t comfortable. This is not dangerous for 99.9%. Protect yourself if you are scared. 0 avg rating 0 ratings