Mendon Town Board 2017-04-10

      Tonight (2017-04-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Karla Boyce was back tonight. She was a Town board member in years past, but had moved on to other things. Tonight she was back to present an award to Ron Knight for his work with the new library. In particular, his dedication in gathering the money to pay for the project. Continue reading

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Mendon Library Trustees 2017-04-03

      Tonight (2017-04-03) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      I showed up late to his meeting, as I was at another event earlier. While this means I missed alot of the discussion, there were still a couple items of note. Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls Annual Meeting 2017-04-03

      Tonight (2017-04-03) was the Honeoye Falls Annual Meeting.

      Before that was the public hearing for the 2017/2018 Village of Honeoye Falls Budget. The village approved the budget for their next fiscal year (which does not match the calendar year). Approximately 5% increase in the tax levy. I want to say 5.42%, but likely have that off a little. They rattled off a long string of digits there. No one in attendance spoke out against the budget, but there was discussion on a variety of topics while waiting for the allotted time to end. Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-03-28

      Tonight (2017-03-28) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      It was a rather short meeting. Decent amount of material on the agenda, but most of it was short and straightforward. Probably spent as long chatting afterwards as the actual meeting length. Continue reading

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No Meeting 2017-03-27

      Tonight (2017-03-27) was the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board‘s regularly scheduled meeting night. However, they did not meet. As they do not meet if there are no items for them to discuss, presumably that is what happened tonight. This happens often enough to come as no surprise.

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-03-21

      Tonight (2017-03-21) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and before that the Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC).

      Full disclosure: I sit on the PBAC.

      Tonight the PBAC gave it’s recommendation for next years school budget. The BoE will take that recommendation into consideration as they finalize their budget plans. We’ll see how that turns out. With that the PBAC has finished it’s job for this budget year. Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls Village Election 2017-03-21

      Today (2017-03-21) there is an Election for the Village of Honeoye Falls. Village residents may vote at the Village Office, 5 East Street (next to the bridge) between Noon and 9PM.

      Four positions are up for a vote: Mayor, Justice, and two Trustees. Each position is for a four year term. Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls Village Board 2017-03-20

      Tonight (2017-03-20) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Unfortunately, other obligations prevented me from attending. The agenda is below, should anyone want the reference. Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls Budget Workshop 2017-03-18

      This morning (2017-03-18) was a special meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees, with the intent of reviewing the proposed 2017-2018 Budget.

      From previous budget workshops they had a tentative budget of ~2 million for expenses, and ~1.9 million for revenue, with a gap of ~30 thousand. I know those numbers don’t add up, I just noted the approximates, not actual values. Today’s goal was to produce a ‘finished’ budget, and stay however long that took. In the end, we got out around noon. Continue reading

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No Meeting 2017-03-14

      Tonight (2017-03-14) was supposed to be a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and before that the Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC). The meeting was cancelled, due to weather.

      Ironically enough, this makes two school meetings in two weeks canceled by weather. And, two meetings announced on twitter after the announcement of all activities being canceled. Last time I didn’t get a screenshot, this time I did (for whatever that is worth). Continue reading

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