The morning of 2024-07-16 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
It was a short meeting, before they moved into executive session. Which, in due time, should be followed by their ‘Retreat’. Continue reading
The morning of 2024-07-16 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
It was a short meeting, before they moved into executive session. Which, in due time, should be followed by their ‘Retreat’. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-07-15 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
Prior to the meeting a decent sized storm rolled through the region. As a side effect of this, various people were needed elsewhere. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-07-09 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
That time again, for the BoE to reorganize itself. Each time this happens I think about how the process could be done more efficiently. This time, I asked if there was a legal reason they don’t consolidate motions. No answer (yet). Continue reading
The evening of 2024-07-01 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee.
Biggest conversation point was also the last: What will become of the grassy area in front of the Library when the former Critics is sold. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-06-25 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
Gene (Superintendent) ‘yielded his time’ to other presentations. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-06-17 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
As it’s summer, the Good Vibes concerts are starting up again. Swing by Harry Allen Park Tuesday evening if you want to listen. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-06-11 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
Once again time to celebrate the Cougar Pride Award Recipients. And there was certainly a crowd of them. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-06-10 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.
Andy (Highway Superintendent) has continued to use the Public Comment portion of the meeting to give his report. Tonight he highlighted, among other things, that once the sidewalk mess on West Main street is finished, there will be work done on the road itself. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-06-03 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
First application was for an addition, which was approved. Continue reading
The evening of 2024-05-28 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
There was a Public Hearing for next years Code of Conduct. The bulk of the discussion here was around cellphones. Continue reading