Tonight (2019-08-05) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
This was how you want your zoning meetings to be: short and straightforward. Two applications, both approved, in under half an hour. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-08-05) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
This was how you want your zoning meetings to be: short and straightforward. Two applications, both approved, in under half an hour. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-07-15) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
For those interested, the tax cap override was approved. Which does nothing directly to the tax cap, tax rate, or tax levy. This just means that when budget time rolls around again, there are more options on the table. Presumably, this ‘override’ would be repealed in April, directly before passing a budget, as has happened in previous years. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-07-09) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
This was the annual organizational meeting, which means a long agenda with many items. I will give Gene (Superintendent) credit though, he kept an eye out for items that could be streamlined. I applaud him (must remember to inform him of such next time I see him). Continue reading
Tonight (2019-07-08) was a Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Study public meeting for the Village of Honeoye Falls.
Was a different meeting in a variety of ways, although, as is often the case, the presenters and staff outnumbered the public. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-07-01) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.
While the this group meets every month, I don’t get to many of their meetings. Which makes it somewhat ironic that at the last meeting I was at they were trying to get a construction project started, and at this meeting they are confirming that it’s finished. While the actual construction is done, they had to finalize some paperwork before actually closing out the project. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-06-25) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
As it was the last meeting of the year, there were reports on the many and various end of year events occurring around the school. And for those of you that didn’t know, graduation will be on Sunday June 30, 7PM at RIT. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-06-17) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
The big topic of the night was the public hearing on updating the zoning code. To skip to the end: no action tonight, probably action at the August meeting, after more discussion next month.
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Tonight (2019-06-11) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
The meeting was held in the High School Chorus room, which was unusual. Turns out the BoE room has been re-purposed as the High School and Counseling Office for the duration, as their old offices are scheduled for demolition. All part of the capitol project (progress pictures were shared later in the meeting). Continue reading
Tonight (2019-06-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.
The Town continues their trend of simple/straightforward meetings. Which is good, excitement is dangerous. Continue reading
Tonight (2019-06-03) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
The meeting itself was quick and to the point: Muffy’s subdivision request was denied (again). Continue reading