OFAL: Intent

      The intent of this site is to share my Observations of various public meetings. In essence, what I find interesting and noteworthy. With all the personal bias that being me entails.

      You may also find it interesting and noteworthy. Or not, that’s for you to decide.

      I am not attempting to provide a proper record of events, although some factual information may be necessary for proper context. The official record would be the minutes, handled by the respective political entity. Hopefully the line between facts and fiction (also known as ‘opinion’) remains clear.

      I am not offering Observations for groups where I sit at the table, at least in general. The view from the table is drastically different then the view from the audience. While at the table I should be focused on doing the job that put me at the table. I may make exception for times where the meeting format is primarily observing a presentation (such as the school budget study sessions). In such an exception, the views I am expressing are my own (as I have expressed them, funny how that works).

      As things do, I’m sure some drifting will occur over time. But this is my intent when I started doing this.