OFAL: History

      I have been regularly attending public governmental meetings since approximately 2010. I don’t know exactly when, but it’s been a while.

      First it was the Village Planning and Zoning boards, because of construction on the neighbors property. Then the Village Trustees, who oversaw Planning and Zoning. At which point, might as well fill in the last Monday night with the Town Board. When I heard the school was moving graduation, I started going to their meetings too. And the Library’s around the time they started planning for the ‘new’ construction.

      Over the years, various people have suggested I write up something about the meetings. At the time, I always declined. But things change, and a combination of events left me with my own domain name, and the removal of the people I would often tell about meetings.

      So the desire to share my insights will happen on my website, where anyone that wants to can read my thoughts. Scary…

      Which leaves me offering my Observations From Audience Land here. As with all things, this too shall pass. But in the mean time, there are meetings to attend.