Category Archives: Town of Mendon

Town of Mendon

Mendon Library Trustees 2024-03-04

      The evening of 2024-03-04 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.       The most significant part of the meeting was likely hearing the Village intends to keep the grassy area in front of the library as a … Continue reading

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Mendon Town Board 2024-02-12

      The evening of 2024-02-12 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       Kimberly is being a good new member of a Board and asking questions to inform herself on details. Topic was Highway Department purchases, but that detail almost doesn’t … Continue reading

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Mendon Town Board 2024-01-29

      The evening of 2024-01-29 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       Another January, another higher then average amount in vouchers. But this is deliberate, as there are efficiencies to paying various yearly expenses this way.

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Mendon Town Board 2024-01-02

      The evening of 2024-01-02 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       Time again for the organizational meeting, which meant many items on the agenda. While most of them were quickly approved, a number had some discussion.

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Mendon Town Board 2023-12-28

      The evening of 2023-12-28 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       National Grid is planning for a power outage on January 6, 2024, from ~8AM to ~5PM. Probably the most significant thing that came up during tonight’s meeting.

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Mendon Town Board 2023-12-11

      The evening of 2023-12-11 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       A reminder to license you dogs was offered. Primarily due to the potential complication that could arise if not licensed.

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Mendon Library Trustees 2023-12-04

      The evening of 2023-12-04 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.       The library has been decorated as a gingerbread house. Including having multiple gingerbread houses inside it.

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Mendon Town Board 2023-11-13

      The evening of 2023-11-13 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       The bulk of this meeting was around next years budget. While it was approved in the end, there was some discussion and number crunching to get there.

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Mendon Town Board 2023-10-30

      The evening of 2023-10-30 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       As the Agenda indicated, the meeting was called for the purpose of having National Grid disconnect and reconnect power service to the Town Hall.

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Mendon Town Board 2023-09-25

      The evening of 2023-09-25 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       The bulk of the meeting was eaten up by budget discussions. Which was fitting enough, as it is an important topic to work through.

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