Tonight (2018-08-27) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
In contrast to last month, this was a wonderful meeting where everything went perfectly. Realistically, there are always nits that could be picked, but the improvement was remarkable.
Besides that, there wasn’t much of note. Two applications, both of which were approved. Overall, rather quick and straightforward meeting.
First was for a fence higher then permitted, hence the variance. The property is 152 Cheese Factory Rd, which is in that odd stretch that feels like it’s outside the village, but is actually inside it. Lessening the restriction makes sense to me here, if only because it’s unlikely the neighbors will notice.
Second was the return for apartments at 12 North Main. As all of the concerns brought up at previous meetings were addressed, it was quickly approved. I’m glad for the guy, he stuck it out and got more or less what he asked for.
For future reference, the Board did decide to move their meeting time from 7:30PM to 7PM. Considering the usual attendance, I doubt anyone in the general public will notice or care about this change. Will be amusing to see who shows up at the old time next month.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 27, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.