Tonight (2017-12-04) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.
The Agenda said two applications, at the end of the meeting there were only two applications, but it opened by stating there would be three. Sounds like Wolfberger withdrew there application, but that wasn’t clear. All other applications where from Mathstone (under various names).
First was for demolishing a barn to rebuild as a three unit apartment. Action was tabled to check the zoning map’s history. The applicant submitted their plan based off a zoning map that stated the property (14 Norton) was zoned Traditional Village, where apartments are allowed. The ‘current’ zoning map (dated last Monday, Nov 27) shows the same property zoned R1, where apartments are denied. Which leads to the question as to how/when the maps where changed. Mike (Village Attorney) said he would look into this mystery.
Next application was subdivision approval for the mini storage project at the end of Norton street. They received ‘conditional’ approval. Which I found amusing due to how the conditions were worded, the verbiage didn’t sound like a condition to me. Instead it was more like an explanation of how the Planning board shouldn’t grant approval without Zoning board approving the use, which Zoning can’t do without Planning’s subdivision. So instead of getting stuck, they said ‘we approve if they do’. Without actually saying that. While I understand and approve of the intent, I think the wording didn’t match that. Still, all’s well that ends well.
During the ‘Public Comment’ portion of this subdivision hearing, there were questions about water run off. While the questions fit the context well enough, from who was asking (and who else was in the audience) the question was clearly about an issue out on the north side of Monroe street. It is always interesting seeing the various ways things interconnect. I do hope the issue ends up resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, even as I doubt that is possible.
Final official action of the evening was adjourning, which is usually a non issue. Tonight it was a roll call vote, which I can’t recall having seen for a motion to go home. Sad, unfortunate, and humorous, all at the same time. There is value to discuss other topics that aren’t strictly on the agenda, which was being attempted. Or as the mayor puts it, ‘for the good of the group’. I for one would rather those discussions occur during a public meeting then behind closed doors. Because those discussions will happen, one way or another.
As we were all getting ready to leave, one of the board members shared their planned trip to Spain to see family for Christmas. Always good to have the reminder (for both board and public) that Board’s aren’t just faceless bureaucrats. They are our neighbors, fellow members of the community.
And the surprise of the night was the dog that didn’t bark. Which is to say, Muffy’s subdivision was not mentioned. As I doubt she gave up, I wonder how things are going on that front.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 4, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.
Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.