Mendon Library Trustees 2017-04-03

      Tonight (2017-04-03) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      I showed up late to his meeting, as I was at another event earlier. While this means I missed alot of the discussion, there were still a couple items of note.

      Much discussion was on reconciling last years financial data. Apparently, just because you are a part of the government doesn’t mean you don’t have to fill out tax forms. Didn’t sound like any money was owed, just forms that had to be filled out. Which meant lots of discussion on details of last years finances.

      Summer meeting dates were rescheduled. Apparently had to cancel some for reasons (vacations were mentioned), so had to find time to get together to do their important work. Mostly pay bills, but there will be other tasks. Assuming I heard right, the July 10th meeting moves to Jun 26th, the August 7th meeting moves to August 21, and a new meeting is added August 20th (Thursday). If you care, check with the library closer to those dates.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 3th, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees. Showed up late and not much happened after that.

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