Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2025-02-11

      The evening of 2025-02-11 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC).

      Full disclosure: I sit on the PBAC, so some of these Observations aren’t exactly from the Audience. Before the budget presentations a variety of items were covered during the Board meeting.

      The board is looking for someone willing to fill the vacant Board seat. The way it was mentioned has me thinking they haven’t had much interest yet. So if you are willing to serve in this way, I’m sure they would like to hear from you.

      HFL is leasing ~1500 computer through BOCES. Looks to be part of the regular computer usage cycle. Is a fair sized number of devices, but that’s what you get when every student and teacher has a computer.

      As for the budget presentations themselves, Lima’s presentation used a Toy Story theme, while Manor’s presentation used an Inside Out theme. I’ll give them both credit in sticking to their themes. Apart from that, the videos spoke for themselves.

      And when they were done, the PBAC broke out for their discussion. As usual for budget meetings, the BoE had finished the public portion of their meeting by the time the PBAC had finished.

      And once again, the recording is available for watching… Having done that…

      There was information on the capitol project. Both the ongoing construction and the next planned phase. I expect some people will find the planned repairs to the Manor driveway of interest. Personally, I found the pictures the most interesting portion of this report.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 11, 2025 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording is also available.

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