Mendon Town Board 2025-02-10

      The evening of 2025-02-10 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      There were a number of Scouts (and their presumed parents) at the meeting. Always good to see. Looks like it was time to work on the Citizenship Merit Badge. There were also some people I recognize as being potential upcoming candidates for elected Town positions. Good to have them paying attention, regardless of the eventual election outcome. Also a pair of police officers in the background, which was different.

      There was a Public Comment that seemed to be requesting the Town limit what can be put on lawn signs. Or not, as there were references made to other discussions so I have an incomplete picture. Either way, my sense was the Town is standing by the freedom of speech. Which means not limiting the contents of people’s speech, as applied to signs and similar.

      As usual, vouchers were approved. Total was a bit over a million dollars, which was a bit unusual. ~$624k of that was pass through to the Mendon Fire District, ~$260k for employee retirement, and ~$90k was rock salt. The rest was the more normal assortment of expenses. As all three of those are reoccurring, that makes this reasonably normal, if not frequent.

      Covid leave is now treated just like any other sick time. This change appears to be driven by a desire to better align with State polices. Either way, seems logical enough.

      The Town continues to explore making Stoney Lonesome Rd into a dead end. Sounds like this step is to actually hire engineers to go out and build the plan, talk to neighbors, etc. A necessary step before any physical changes to the road could be done, but also not necessarily a commitment to make those changes. To paraphrase and misquote something that was said: This is something that can be done relatively quick to stop half of the problem. As with so many things in life, you do what you can.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 10, 2025 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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