Mendon Town Board 2024-12-09

      The evening of 2024-12-09 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The topic of the evening was next years holiday schedule. In particular, changing the pattern as applied to the Highway Department. In effect, this was a repeat of last meetings discussion. And as it was tabled, the discussion will continue in the next meeting. But as one commenter pointed out, it has to be resolved then, because the first holiday of the next year is just a few days later.

      I counted 8 guys from the Highway Department at the meeting, plus their Superintendent. Also Gary, however he is counted in this situation. I believe they all commented, in favor of the previous holiday pattern and opposing the change. Likewise, the Highway Superintendent was in favor of keeping the old pattern.

      Which, in my mind, makes it an easy decision. When those most impacted, and their department head, are all in favor of an action, there should be compelling reasons to overrule them. While I heard some reasons, I can’t call them good. Biggest concern seemed to be about what would happen if a storm occurred while everyone at the Highway Department was on vacation. Valid enough, but that question will occur for any holiday, regardless of which date it falls on. So the question becomes, would you rather Highway staff be on station for more winter storms, or more summer storms? And given that choice, I’d rather a slower response in summer then winter. Because they said they would be responding in an emergency, even if on ‘vacation’.

      The various commenters offered a number of reasons to keep the previous pattern, but I think one anecdote summed the situation up. As this Highway employees story went, at a meeting with some of the office staff, he asked ‘can’t we all just get along’. To which the answer was something to the effect of ‘no’. While it makes for an impressive story, I have no idea if it’s true or not. But with the apparent disregard of the staffs desires, over what feels to me like an inconsequential issue? Certainly appears to be the case that, no, we cannot get along. Which is unfortunate.

      One of the last comments of the evening was to stick with the past pattern this year, and review over the upcoming year. Which I thought was reasonable enough. When a change is controversial, taking some time to explore the potential repercussions seems prudent. And none of the reasons for this change seemed time sensitive. In other words, they remain just as valid next year. So if they are truly worthy reasons, delaying should only add to their weight.

      Besides the Highway, the item that stood out to me the most was next years budget being adopted. No discussion to speak of, as that had happened at previous meetings.

      As an aside, the Agenda was adjusted towards the end of the meeting, moving Public Comment before Executive Session. I think this was a great change to make, as it let the Highway staff comment and then leave. Instead of waiting in the hallway until Executive Session ended. As one of them pointed out, his shift started at 11PM. Best to let the crew get to work, instead of waiting to comment to this Board.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 9, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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