Honeoye Falls Village Board 2024-05-20

      The evening of 2024-05-20 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      The West Main sidewalk project, and it’s complications came up in multiple ways tonight. Sounds like things are being resolved and the project is continuing along, if somewhat delayed. Long story short, there was a surprise gas line project which threw plans out of whack.

      Yet another Eagle project presented. Is this three months in a row? Either way, this one was for placing ‘Veteran’ markers on graves. Sounds like an interesting enough idea, although there are details to iron out. For example, wouldn’t want to hit the markers with a lawnmower.

      Considering the number of Eagle scout project that come up, at some point I wonder if regular maintenance of past projects would itself become a project. Not sure if that fits the requirements. But if not, what do we do when past projects start degrading from age?

      Apparently required training for fire fighters will be increasing. Which is expected to effectively eliminate volunteer departments. It feels like this continues the trend of shooting ourselves in the foot. Sure, if my house is on fire, I want the best people/equipment/etc to show up. But if the option is nothing, or my poorly trained neighbors? That’s not a choice. Accordingly, we need to make it as easy as possible to help each other. Otherwise, there is less helping and we all suffer. (The pessimist in me says that is the goal).

      There was discussion about changing the way aspects of accounting are handled. After the back and forth, this felt more like adjusting details then being significant. Still a worthwhile review from a due diligence standpoint.

      There was a summary of the Village’s usage of ARPA funding, and how much was still available. Sounds like plans need to be submitted by the end of the year, although there is a further deadline to actually spend the money. A number of ideas for potential use of this money were tossed around. And while they did generally sound worthwhile, I think a better option is NOT spending the money.

      This ‘money’ comes from the federal government. Who already have more debt then is wise. This will inevitably lead to fiscal problems. We’re already seeing that with inflation. Thus a wise choice, when tempted with ‘free money’ of this nature, is to decline. Of course, that isn’t easy. There are always plenty of desires to spend money on. It’s hard to say no. But long term, we need to do just that.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 20, 2024 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Online copy of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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