Honeoye Falls Village Board 2024-03-18

      The evening of 2024-03-18 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      As expected, next years budget was discussed, and with that the projected levy increase of ~9.6%. The primary driver of the increase is fire department staffing. The Village should be publicizing a letter explaining this in more detail before too long. Also, Saturday’s potential budget meeting was canceled, as they have settled on a plan.

      Next budget event will likely be the Budget Hearing on 4/1. I think 6PM for Budget Hearing, and 6:30PM for Annual Meeting, but make sure to double check that if you are interested in attending. Usually the Budget Hearing is a non-event, but with this years levy increase there might be a crowd.

      On monetary concerns, dissatisfaction with the State’s AIM funding was expressed. While I can appreciate the benefits of having more money, I think this is counterproductive here. I am of the opinion many (maybe even most) of the problems we have can be tied to overspending by government. I think the State (and Federal) government should reduce spending drastically (no more grants, support for municipalities, welfare, etc), and then lower taxes so that people have more of the money they earn. This would allow us (the people) to choose how best to spend it directly. And if that means the local municipalities have to increase taxes, so be it. Most of us should find it easier to talk to those people, as they live nearby. Not so much for those in Albany (or DC).

      One of the local Scouts is planning to build a batting cage at the Monroe Street Park as part of an Eagle project. Details to iron out, of course. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a new training aide by the end of the summer.

      If you need glasses for the upcoming eclipse, the Village office has some available (also the Library). It sounds like the fireman’s field will be available if you need a place to view things from. But concerns about wetness means it won’t be available for parking. Don’t want to lose your car while watching the sun hide.

      6/6 will have a wedding in Harry Allen Park, and it sounds like Rick (Mayor) will be officiating. I’ve heard it’s not the first time he’s done this. Probably not the first wedding in the park, but the first one I can recall. Weather permitting, I could see it being a good location for the ceremony. And if the weather is bad, well that’s just an incentive to be quick.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 18, 2024 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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