Honeoye Falls Village Board 2024-02-20

      The evening of 2024-02-20 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      The meeting ended with it’s most significant event: Brian Anderson (Village Administrator) has announced his intent to retire come November. Understanding this is the pattern of life, he will be missed. Until a replacement can be found, it looks like Rick (Mayor) will be taking on the bulk of that role. While the logic makes sense, I do wonder if he isn’t already too busy with other things. But much can change before November rolls around.

      The Budget Public Hearing is set for 6PM on 4/1, followed by the Annual Meeting at 6:30PM. I wonder if coinciding with April Fools day has any significance? Either way, a good place to ask questions on the Village budget. And while I always think the motions could be streamlined, the Annual Meeting tends to have a decent crowd to chat with (not to mention cookies).

      For the women out there, the ‘mammovan‘ will be at the Ambulance base on April 17th. Appointments can be scheduled by phone (844-870-0002), email, website, etc.

      Ten days later, the Village is having an Arbor day event on 4/27. I expect it will be similar to past ones, so probably worth a visit if you have the time available. It also looks like the local scouts/rotary will be offering a chicken BBQ as the same time/place. Or not, if it ends up being decided that conflicts. Worth double checking, but I can see using dinner as an incentive to visit the show.

      A large tree is being removed from the cemetery. Apparently it’s rotten and there are concerns about it causing damage if it were left to fall on it’s own. While it is a shame to lose such, the Village is also planting a number of trees of various sizes around it’s properties. While I have no idea if one will be planted in this exact place, attempts are being made to increase tree count. Even when one is taken down.

      The Village is joining the State’s Pro-Housing Community Program. Apparently this is not legally binding, but a requirement for a number of grants. So instead of making it a law, the State coerces through financial strings.

      On the one hand, more housing seems like a good idea (for multiple reasons). And lessening bureaucracy and red tape to get them built is also good. But I don’t think government should be in the house building business (some exceptions for military barracks and such). Which is where this appears to be aiming for, at least down the road.

      If the market supports more housing, the market will get more housing built. If it doesn’t, find out why. In this case, I’m pretty sure the ‘why’ is governmental insanity, mostly coming from Albany. So another Program from the same is unlikely to help, and may well add to the problem instead. But I’m happy to be wrong.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 20, 2024 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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