Mendon Town Board 2024-02-12

      The evening of 2024-02-12 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Kimberly is being a good new member of a Board and asking questions to inform herself on details. Topic was Highway Department purchases, but that detail almost doesn’t matter. I find it commendable when new Board members (of whatever the Board is) do what they need to in order to make informed decisions. To be fair, this doesn’t need to be done in a way the public can see. I’m sure others could do it out of sight. Still, good for her.

      The Town is exploring additional sidewalk in/near the hamlet area, as a recent post on their website shows. I did not hear a ‘build now’, it sounded more like continuing to explore logistics of getting to that point. Don’t want to jump in too soon, due diligence is prudent. But also don’t want to be too slow in starting the project. From where I was sitting, this seems more on the due diligence side of things.

      Besides that, I noticed some tension at the table. Not the first time, which makes it doubly unfortunate. I’m somewhat hesitant to even mention it, because ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone‘. But if nothing is said, we may more easily be divided. Despite what we all said at the start of the meeting.

      Too often I see people who should be working together, that have in the past, are instead bickering. Not just here, but elsewhere as well. And it has me pondering.

      Have we, as a people, forgotten how to be civil? Or are forgetting?

      I’ve noticed this in many groups I’ve observed from the outside. But I’ve also seen it in myself. Both personally, and with groups I am a part of.

      I find this a worrying trend, and would like to be wrong.

      I doubt there would be a single cause, but to speculate: Did the covid lockdowns/panic/mess break something in us? Is this a side effect of ‘social media’ and similar? Continued political polarization? Not enough time praising God and reading the Bible? Something else altogether?

      Regardless of the cause, it does serve as a reminder. It’s easier to destroy then create. The barbarians are always at the gate. Our role is the constant struggle to make and maintain those aspects of civilization that are worthwhile. Duty is ours, results are God’s.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 12, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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