The evening of 2023-04-25 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).
Early on Rhonda was recognized for her diligence at her job. Always good to thank those who are helping you, even if it is their job. Over the years I’ve been impressed with how well she does her job. She keeps things going while being mostly out of sight. A sign of filling a support role well: Everything works and the spotlight is elsewhere.
Someone commented on safety at the District (I didn’t catch her name). I got the sense she was asking for more. More discipline, more policy reviews, more bodies to help students, more searches, etc. I wonder what inspired her commenting.
Gene (Superintendent) pointed out the budget vote is May 16, in the BoE room. Likely the first of many times he will share that information over the next three weeks. Besides the budget and school buses, we’ll also be voting on School Board Members. Looks like a case of ‘pick three of three’. Susan Thering and Lynley Guckian are new, Caralyn Ross is an incumbent.
He also shared that Friday, April 28, will be a professional development day. While I’m sure there are many topics that will be discussed, the ‘Inclusive Language Protocol’ was mentioned. Which is one of those things that sounds good on the surface, but I find concerning as it seems to encourage a victim mentality and division. Which appears contrary to the kind of exploration that I would expect learning to require. Mind you, I won’t be at the training event, so what do I know.
And there was a workshop on AI & Chat GPT. While the discussion was interesting, nothing really stood out to me to share here. Although, it did remind me of a quote from Bourne Supremacy. “Pamela Landy: The objectives and targets always came from us. Who’s giving them to him now? Nicki: Scary version? He is.” AI development is a race. Will it learn to get along with us before or after it learns to give itself orders? If it learns to get along, we all win (including the AI). If not… well that’s the ‘scary version’. Mind you, that falls well outside the scope of this meeting. But that’s where my thoughts went…
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 25, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.
Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.