Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2022-11-22

      The evening of 2022-11-22 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Tonight was the annual Robotics team report. In a general sense, the same sort of things they say every year. But still great to hear from the students on the team. As an added bonus Gary Stottler, former BoE member came with them.

      While membership on the team changes over the years, I recognize some of the same people. It is interesting to see how their presentation skills improve over the years. Tonight they also had one of their Rush Henrietta members with them. I can’t recall this in the past, but either way it was nice to highlight how it’s actually a two district team.

      The District’s safety committee is looking at how the campus is open. Which is to say, you or I could walk our dog, use the path from Manor to Middle, etc. And how that poses concerns about risk. Which is fair enough, but should also be irrelevant. Like the question of how to be sure hackers can’t attack your computer (answer: turn it off and bury it in concrete), eliminating all risk and making something completely safe tends to remove any value in it. Do we want children to grow up in prisons, in the name of protection? Or mitigate what can be, while still living in a free society? The one seems like a recipe for disaster, the other necessary to produce responsible adults. To be clear, nothing decided here, but I find it concerning the concern was raised.

      The Capital Project Public Hearing will be on December 6. And a week later will be the vote. You likely received a flier in the mail. There is also a short video going over the broad strokes. Feel free to show up at the Public Hearing to get more information.

      The pending requirement for zero-emission buses (which currently means electric) was discussed. In particular, hiring consultants to gather information and such to facilitate planning. If I understand the situation correctly (which is far from certain), we have about three years to have a plan rolling out. Otherwise the regular replacement rotation won’t work, and that will cause a number of problems. At a quick glance, this feels like another case of government by decree, regardless of the reality in the trenches.

      Membership in NYSSBA came up again. While no decision was made tonight, that will be next meeting, something about this felt odd. For lack of a better description, it felt to me like NYSSBA needs HFL more then HFL wants NYSSBA. Mind you, I could well be wrong.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the November 22, 2022 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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