The evening of 2022-04-18 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
At the risk of wildly speculating, tonight’s meeting might have sown the restoration of ‘Festival on the Green’ (more or less, in spirit at least). What happened was Wayne gave a presentation for hosting a 5K race. I believe he was speaking on behalf of the American Legion Falls Post 664, but not sure. In any case, and while this idea was well received, the discussion bounced off Howard Hanna‘s planned activities. Considering each groups stated goals, coordinating seems like it would benefit both of them. And thus restore a Festival.
Gas taxes are being lowered, at least by the County and State. Not directly a Village issue, as they don’t set those taxes. But it was discussed and I have mixed thoughts on this. If that income is used for a useful function, aren’t we causing problems down the road by removing that funding? Penny wise, pound foolish, at it were. On the other hand, if it isn’t, why was it there in the first place? Harmlessly removed suggests it can stay gone, to all our gain.
The previously approved Ambulance Supervisor position remains open. Details weren’t offered, but the individual who had agreed apparently has decided to go elsewhere. Unfortunate, but if they knew it wouldn’t work, better to not start. Incidentally, if you would like to be an Ambulance Supervisor, the Village probably wants to hear from you.
A Summer Laborer for the DPW was approved. In itself nothing out of the usual, this happens most years (if not every). But it had me wondering: How many of the current permanent DPW staff started in the Summer Laborer position? It seems a logical path to me. Work a few summers, then when full time staff are needed the Village looks at that pool to recruit from. And when they don’t, it’s still a summer job, before going off to whatever is next. Of course, just because I think it could work that way doesn’t mean it actually does. Hence wondering…
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 18, 2022 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
Online copy of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…