Mendon Town Board 2021-03-08

      Tonight (2021-03-08) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      There was a surprising (at least to me) number of people at the meeting tonight. This had the side effect of bumping me to the table with other support people (someone had to start the live stream). As such, these observations aren’t exactly from the audience. Having said that…

      Many of the people in the audience were scouts (and their parents/leaders). I suspect they were working on their Citizenship in the Community badge. Although they could have been there in support of the initial presentation of an eagle project. This project was to create a drop off for used flags, so that they can then be disposed of respectfully.

      Interestingly enough, once the meeting was over, two of the Board members had a second meeting with the scouts. Not three of the Board members, as it was pointed out there are rules about that. Good opportunity for the scouts to observe a meeting, and interact with elected officials.

      A committee was created to look into a memorial for those who died in the recent helicopter crash. This committee will report back to the Board at the September 13th meeting. Related, a letter is being sent to the State asking that they dedicate a portion of Route 64 as a memorial.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 08, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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