Tonight (2020-06-08) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.
Unlike the last few, this meeting was back to being in person. Location had changed, being at the Community Center (167 North Main Street) instead of Town Hall (16 West Main Street). And face diapers were prevalent, despite the layout providing plenty of distance between people. But at least we were all in the same room.
Agenda (and by extension meeting) was pretty straightforward. Most interesting items came up during the ‘Communications’ section at the beginning of the meeting.
For those of you unaware, there will be a presidential primary in New York. More then that, I can’t say with any certainty. Dates have been changed at least once now, and with the recent adjustment to the school vote, I have no faith in whatever the current date happens to be.
Summer Recreation was canceled. Not the first I’ve heard of this, so if you care you likely already know as well. But it had me thinking more generally about what kids will be doing this summer. This isn’t the only summer activity I am aware of having been canceled. So what do kids fill their time with? Do they find constructive uses of time (reading, sports, etc)? Or join the various protests (ie hooligans in training)? As with just about everything related to kids, it will likely come down to the parents.
There was discussion about continuing to stream the meetings, so that people could observe without being in the room. I think this is a worthwhile undertaking, even if I am biased on the topic. Full disclosure: I will likely get paid to help the Town implement such a practice. Still, just as there is value to being in the room together for meetings, there is also value to having a recording of the meeting. No reason both can’t be done, although getting the audio balanced right will likely be the challenge.
The ‘State of Emergency’ for the town was extended, I believe for another 30 days. Just when I started to hope people were stopping to panic.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 8, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.
Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.