Tonight (2019-10-21) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
It was a night of new people. There was a new Legal Counsel (Matt) and a new Student Representative (Whit). Besides that, the bulk of the meetings was the reports from the various departments.
There will be a $40 increase in the cost of Summer Recreation. How that splits between a municipal subsidy and direct fee to the campers remains to be seen. Assuming all the municipalities go along, it gets split in half. If they don’t, it’s goes to the camper. Sounds like the school wants to keep things the same for everyone, thus this ‘all or nothing’ approach.
While the Rotary Park Playground is not yet open, the replacement parts are on the way. So it shouldn’t be too long, hopefully.
Gina (Village Clerk) was thrilled about the new printer for the office. Although there was some discussion about the pros/cons of three or five year contracts.
The Ambulance has been busy, sounds like it has been the busiest month ever. While that is impressive, it does highlight challenges with the long term operation of the service.
There was talk about the Deer Committee. No formal action was taken, but they will continue to explore the issue. I raised the question if, at some point, the Village’s non-handling of deer combined with denying the residents the option of killing the deer directly, could leave them liable for any damages or injuries the deer cause. Not that I would expect it to ever get to that point, but stranger things have been known to happen.
Sounds like the Ugly Sweater 5k is still on for December. I thought I heard December 5, but Thursday seems like an odd day for a run. I can find a signup that appears to be for December 7. My having misheard seems more likely then the signup being wrong. Still, no harm in finding another source if the event is of interest to you.
It sounds like there will be new radios for everyone.
The County is upgrading the Ambulance radio system, to be implemented December of 2019 (ie this year). And while they say it’s covered by a grant, that won’t be happening until sometime next year. So what exactly happens in that interim period could be exciting.
On the other hand, the Fire Department has been denied a grant. So they (which means the Village, and in turn the local taxpayers) have to cover the cost of their mandated radio upgrade. That bid was approved tonight. So this long process is another step closer to actual completion.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the October 21, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.