Mendon Town Board 2019-05-13

      Tonight (2019-05-13) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      With one minor exception, this felt like a simple and straightforward meeting. Which I’ve noticed is how most of the Town meetings are. Which is fine: boring is good, exciting is dangerous.

      Had a Boy Scout in the audience. Looks like it’s that time of year again, time to go to government meetings for badges.

      The highway department will soon be losing their head mechanic due to retirement. Sounds like he has been there over 30 years. Good long time, and I’m sure he will be missed. Still, if you’re going to leave, best for retirement after many years of service.

      The renovations at the library are ‘almost done’, apparently. I don’t see it, as there has been no visible change in the past few weeks. Still, it sounds like the final checklist/walk through will happen tomorrow, which should lead to actually finishing the project.

      A number of board/committee job descriptions for the Town have changed. As I am on the Zoning Board, I’ll have to get a copy of the new description. From discussion, it sounds like the change was to bring description inline with actual practice. As the two tend to drift over time, it is good to periodically review and correct.

      Which brought us to the minor controversy of the evening. The Town was approving the usage of their athletic fields by Blaze Soccer. Nothing new here, not the first time this has happened. But apparently someone affiliated with Blaze had complained to the Town. Mind you, this complainant was not in attendance, so who knows how serious they were. The Town decided to stick to their fee schedule and approve the usage.

      Amusingly enough, a gentleman in the audience spoke up during ‘public comment’ time in support of the Town’s action. He thought the fee was quiet cheap and that the fields were in very good condition. Just goes to show, whether the glass is half full or half empty is in the eye of the beholder.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 13, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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