Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2019-02-04

      Tonight (2019-02-04) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      The only agenda item was a concept discussion for Josh Landscape. And while this, technically, is what happened, there was a degree of wandering in the discussion. Which seemed fine to me, there is a decade of history here to hash out.

      Josh was trying to address complaints from neighbors, and the resulting code violations that those brought to light. Although, again due to the history, I didn’t really hear anything new. The details change, but the same general feel from past times Josh has presented were the same.

      Exasperating the situation were the Village staffs view on that same history. Felt like a ‘he said, she said‘ situation. Which is probably why regular staff doesn’t sit on Board’s, it would bias them too much. Shouldn’t both enforce the code and judge the case.

      I think Josh knows where to go from here, but the discussion went in enough circles and down enough tangents, who knows. My sense is he’ll look at building a fence, after getting the appropriate permit(s).

      Which brings us to the other item of note tonight: the Board itself. This was the first time the ‘new’ Village Zoning Board has meet, since the previous Planning and Zoning Board’s were dissolved/merged. The resulting Board has 3 members from the previous Planning (Brian, Adam, Ann) and 2 from the previous Zoning (Mark, Karen), plus two alternates.

      Overall, I think they did a good job. There were a few spots where people didn’t seem quiet comfortable in their new role (even if it isn’t really that different). I can’t say everything went perfect (because, when does anything), but for a ‘first meeting’ I think it went well enough.

      Although it was different to be at a Zoning meeting without hearing the word ‘variance’.

      Sounds like there will be a special meeting 2/20 for a subdivision on Carriage street (old GM plant). It might also be 2/19, there was much confusion on that detail. If it was my call, I’d have them wait a week and use 2/25, as that would have been a zoning meeting under the previous calendar. Not that I get to make those sort of decisions.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 4, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website, for whatever that is worth.

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