The evening of 2025-03-03 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
The focus of the meeting was a workshop on potential revisions to the Village Code to better address cannabis.
After discussion, the Board concluded that the General Business district (aka West Main shopping area) is the only place in the Village that makes sense for this use. The Central Business is too close to parks, church, day care, and similar that it didn’t feel like a good fit. And while Neighborhood Business says business in it’s name, it is effectively residential.
Despite it’s name, the Zoning Board does not create Zoning. So no change was made by them tonight. But a letter suggesting this change will likely be sent to the Village Board in the near future.
At the start of the meeting there was a resident that complained about Josh Landscaping being a poor neighbor, and how they seemed to be abusing the Code. Primary concern sounded like noise, but various debris was also mentioned.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 03, 2025 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.