Mendon Town Board 2025-01-06

      The evening of 2025-01-06 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Once again time for the Organizational Meeting. While most of the plentiful Agenda items were quickly approved, a few had some discussion. Amusingly, most of that discussion can be summarized as ‘we should talk more about this later’. Whether it was road work, policy, employee handbook, etc, a number of items came up for future review as the year plays out. Which I thought was prudent. They got what they needed done tonight, but are also planning ahead.

      There was an interesting comment from a member of the public during that section of the meeting, which led to some back and forth with the Board. I thought the resulting discussion got a bit heated. While I like discussions, and I think they can add value, tonight we got to see the potential downside of getting lost in the weeds. It felt to me like there needed to be someone who could step in and say ‘this is a comment, not a discussion’. Shame Sheldon left, he was good about stepping in.

      And as it was an organizational meeting, I did think about consolidating motions and items. They covered enough scattered topics, I didn’t see any great ideas for groupings. While some could be arbitrarily bundled, the method used also works. On the other hand, it was a two hour meeting for 70 Agenda items.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 6, 2025 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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