Mendon Town Board 2024-12-30

      The afternoon of 2024-12-30 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Driving cause for this meeting appeared to be one last chance to approve vouchers before the year ends. If I read the Abstract correctly, total vouchers were for ~$350k.

      Of course, once a meeting is declare, other business gets tacked on. In this case, that meant a resolution at to next years holiday schedule. Which is good, as it takes effect in two days. If I understand what was approved, the Highway Department gets the schedule they requested. At the same time, it was said this topic will need to be reviewed. Which is fair enough, and I am all in favor of reviewing practices for improvements. Of course, there is a time for that. And a time to go with what worked well enough in the past, because the clock is running out.

      As an aside, there were technical difficulties, so the recording of the meeting cuts out before the meeting ended.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 30, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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