Mendon Town Board 2024-09-09

      The evening of 2024-09-09 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Some new faces, at least around the office, if not at the meeting. Although at the meeting was the new Town Attorney, Brian Marianetti. In the office will be Danielle Liberatore as the Supervisor’s Secretary and Brooke Buckland as the Planning/Zoning Board Secretary. Filing positions that were recently vacated. Previous people in those roles will be missed, but change is a part of life. I hope the new people do well with their appointed tasks.

      Sounds like September 26 will have an Open House event at the Mendon Youth Center, with it actually opening to students on September 30. I’m sure that will be publicized before too long.

      Apparently, the Town has moved some of their money out of saving accounts and into CD’s. I think this is a prudent move. Make what money on interest that can be done. But I was confused by the details, so I asked at the Public Comment time to make sure I heard right. Put money in a 24 month CD, but expecting to take money out before this year ends. I was under the impression that you put money into a CD, and it’s there until it reaches maturity. Taking it out may be technically an option, but there are fines making it prohibitive. Hopefully that’s not the case here, because it would be a shame if the potential interest gain is lost in paying fines. I’m not an expert on finances, so I could well be wrong here.

      The Minutes from the previous meeting were approved tonight, after some of the information on the Executive Session was removed. This surprised me, as I was under the impression Minutes weren’t taken during Executive Session. Note that it opened, the general topic, and it’s closing. No other records kept (also no actions taken, which wasn’t a factor here). But in this case the Minutes included more then that, even after some details were removed. We’ll see what the next Minutes bring, as this meeting also ended with an Executive Session.

      The meeting previously scheduled for October 21 has been moved to October 15. Tuesday instead of a Monday. Seems like there has been a streak of rescheduled meetings of late, and not just at the Town. As much as I like patterns that are predictable from a long way off, you do what you have to in order to get the job done. Again, I’m sure this will be appropriately publicized before too long.

      There was a discussion about adding a section on ‘Limit Authority Regarding Disciplinary Measures’ to the employee handbook. In and of itself, seemed fine. Both the concept and the discussion on details. But bigger picture, I got the impression there is something unpleasant going on in the background (as much as I would like to be wrong). No idea what or who is involved, apart from it being Town employees (Executive Session is working in that regards). A shame we can’t all get along, but somewhat unavoidable as we live in a fallen world.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 09, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

There was also a Village Zoning Board meeting tonight, but as I continue to be unable to be in two places at once, I’ll hope they have a recording I can observe.

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