Mendon Library Trustees 2024-08-26

      The evening of 2024-08-26 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee.

      Tonight brought the guest of Mary Church, Friends of Mendon Public Library President. Her presentation was short and sweet, and could be summed up as ‘the friends are here to help, however we can’.

      A picture report on the Summer Reading Program was shared. Looks like the adventure included a number of animals. Horses (with police officers) are common enough, but the snake (maybe?) as a hat stood out. You never know what you’ll find at the library.

      The dry sprinkler system is apparently having issues. I got the impression it would still do the job in an emergency, just not as well as would be ideal. Repairs/replacements are being looked into, so I’m sure it will be taken care of before too long.

      There was a short discussion about joining a sustainability group. Didn’t get into too many details, so I can’t say much. Having said that, it sounds like the expected benefit was showing commitment to the community, that we ‘do the right thing’. This stood out to me, as this wasn’t a fiscal reason (which I’m all in favor of), or even an environmental reason (which I’ve mixed opinions on). This struck me more as a virtue signaling reason.

      To be fair, very different reasons can sound similar when quickly glossed over. Which is the benefit of longer discussions, they can cover the underlying thought process used to reach a decision. I expect that will come up in the future, as no action was taken on this tonight.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 26, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Library website until they update it, losing the past.

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