Mendon Library Trustees 2024-08-05

      The evening of 2024-08-05 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee.

      Tonight brought the guest of Rick Milne. In his role as Village Mayor, he shared history and plans for the old Critics property. Bottom line, and as should come as no surprise, the Village is trying to sell. But they also wants to ‘do right by the library’. Exactly what that means will depend on the offers they get.

      My sense of things was everything is on the table, and the Village is open to negotiations. While no one said it, I suspect they would be on board to selling ~25% of the property for ~25% of the price. Which would let the Library (or Town, realistically) buy the grassy back quarter, that is directly in front of the Library. If that were to occur, it was predicted a 2+ story building will eventually replace the existing parking lot.

      But lot lines are adjustable, and 25% can be sliced different ways. Would the Library prefer more grass, but being blocked off? Or a thinner strip of grass, but it extending all the way to the road? Of course, both options are moot if the money can’t be found. The Town is starting it’s budget process, perhaps money can be set aside. Or not, as at the end of the day, desires are infinite while resources are finite.

      The Teen Corner had it’s grand opening, and it seems to get a decent amount of usage. Good for them. I do find the manga collection amusing. I enjoy a good manga as much as the next guy. But when I was a teen, they would not have been my first choice in reading materials. Opinions vary, and nothing wrong with what is there. It does leave me curious how circulation of those will play out.

      Not too long ago the Town made some staffing changes. That appears to be having side effects at the Library. First, in how HR issues are to be addressed. There appears to be a process, but there was clearly confusion in the room as that was explained. Second, in budget planning, the Town doesn’t want employee benefits, insurance, etc to be in the budget that the Library submits. Which seems fine, if those numbers are factored in elsewhere. But if not, things could become complicated. All in all, highlights again that transitions are where things get tricky. Yet life is change, so there are always transitions to work with.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 05, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Library website until they update it, losing the past.

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