Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2024-06-11

      The evening of 2024-06-11 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Once again time to celebrate the Cougar Pride Award Recipients. And there was certainly a crowd of them. Not sure if there were more recipients, or they brought more guests (or both). But it was getting tight for chairs in the seating arrangement. Would have been fine, as there was both plenty of space and plenty of chairs stacked off to the side. Would have been the matter of minutes to shuffle things around. But from the layout, it was clearly more people then expected. Which is not a bad thing, the more then merrier.

      After a short break to chat, take pictures, and enjoy cupcakes, the Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Committee shared who this years inductions would be. I recognized a few of the names for this year. Perhaps you’ll recognize some of the past inductions.

      This was the last meeting for the Student Board Representative, as it’s off to other things next year. A nice send off, and we’ll have new faces here in a month or two.

      Apparently ‘lock down’ drills are too traumatic, at least according to the State. So in the near future there will be a limit of one (1) a year (and maybe an opt-out option?). I’m of mixed thoughts here. Yes, we should not be traumatizing children in the name of security. But it’s better then being dead. Seems a more reasonable approach would be evaluating the risk (is it likely enough we need to drill for it) and then adjust the drill to not be so bothersome. Or the State could just mandate a number, because one size fits all.

      On the topic of security, an unofficial (Gene highlighted that point) gathering of students at a park scared the Mayor. The kids were there for a hot dog eating contest. I say good for them. While the value of that event is debatable, it seems to fall pretty firmly into the ‘no harm, no foul’ category.

      Next years Code of Conduct was approved. Was some discussion on ‘power off’ vs ‘out of sight’ in regards to personal electronics. But in the end, what was proposed was adopted. I expect this topic will come up again next year (if not before).

      And as the school year is ending, the Board went around the circle for who would be willing to be President/Vice next year. From that, I’ll predict Caralyn as President again and Joel for Vice President. Not that the prediction really matters, I’m sure any of them could do the job well enough. Either way, we’ll find out July 9th.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 11, 2024 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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