Mendon Town Board 2024-05-13

      The evening of 2024-05-13 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      During the ‘Communications’ portion of the meeting, Brent (Board Member) expressed a desire to improve communications within the Town, and provide a better work culture. Most (all?) of the Board agreed with this idea.

      Possibly related, it sounds like the Ethics Board will be looking for new members. If you are interested, by all means give one of the Board members a yell.

      As usual, vouchers were approved. There appeared to be three groups to approve (plus the Library to recognize), which felt different. Was it actually different? Or am I just paying more attention because of the recent staffing changes? Either way, in the interests of full disclosure, and as happens periodically, one of the vouchers was for services I had provided for the Town. For whatever that is worth…

      A Moratorium on Smoke Shops was adopted. As was said, this will have no impact on any existing businesses. But would prevent new ones while the Town reviews the topic. A comment was made about the District Attorney apparently being uninterested in enforcing related potential law breaking at such an establishment. In addition, displeasure was expressed with management (or lack thereof) from the Office of Cannabis Management. Not directly related to this moratorium, but there is a degree of overlap in the larger topic. To some extent expected when the legality of something is changed. But also points to a degree of government incompetence. Which seems all too common these days.

      Once upon a time (1997?), the Town abandoned a portion of Stoney Lonesome Road. This gave the parcels to the neighboring property owners. But apparently an ‘i’ wasn’t dotted, as the property owner was back, after all these years. The request to Deed to Adjacent Property Owners was approved. Which makes sense, as this has no real change on the situation on the ground.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 13, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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