Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2024-02-13

      The evening of 2024-02-13 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC).

      Full disclosure: I sit on the PBAC, so some of these Observations aren’t exactly from the Audience. Before the budget presentations a variety of items were covered during the Board meeting.

      The Board wanted to make it clear the Financial Literacy Course is not becoming a class now. They are starting the process that should end with a class, at some point.

      Food Services is buying a Concordia Beverage Systems XpressTouch6 Super Automatic Espresso machine for the High School cafeteria. This is apparently not a budget issue, as Food Services is financially it’s own entity (sort of). As someone that does not drink coffee I found this interesting. I’ve observed many a person who appears to be unable to function without a sufficient amount of coffee. Which has me wondering, are we encouraging addiction at a young age?

      Once again time to lease computers, for grades 3, 6, 9, and ~25% of staff. For the most part, nothing to see here, business as usual. But still, ~1600 computers isn’t nothing.

      First budget presentation was from the High School. What stood out to me the most was a couple ironic moments.

      During the discussion on student engagement, a decent number of those in the audience were focused on their phones. Nothing new there, but perhaps this is more then just a student issue.

      Vertical surfaces were highlighted, for how they allow new an innovative teaching methods. While I’m sure the details are different, the broad concept as described fits how chalkboards were used. At least when I was a student. Reminded me of a discussion I had with a former HFL principal, about how there are cycles and patterns, but the big picture doesn’t change. The details… well in this case there is no chalk dust to worry about.

      Second budget presentation was from the Athletics department. Which I really have nothing to say about. Others had questions, but it was mentioned that athletics tends to have the fewest each year. While the High school has the most. Perhaps why they are matched up when presenting.

      At which point the PBAC broke out for their discussion. As usual for budget meetings, the BoE had finished the public portion of their meeting by the time the PBAC had finished.

      And once again, the recording is available for watching… Having done that…

      The pump for the high school pool had broke. A replacement is on order, but not here yet. They are taking the opportunity to do cleaning and other maintenance. Not a perfect situation, but best to get what benefit out of it that can be found.

      Gene (Superintendent) has an ‘anonymous’ tip line. You can leave him a message anytime, at 624-7152. From context, it felt like the intent is for safety concerns. But I supposed anything you think raises to the level of needing to reach out, that was that important and couldn’t wait, well the number is available. As with many situations, good to have the option, even as we pray it’s never needed.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 13, 2024 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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