Mendon Town Board 2024-01-29

      The evening of 2024-01-29 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Another January, another higher then average amount in vouchers. But this is deliberate, as there are efficiencies to paying various yearly expenses this way. Or so I hear, I’m not the financial department. Having said that, I see similar effects in some of my personal expenses, so it makes sense.

      Ted Trybus was appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Jeff Clark was appointed to the Environmental Conservation Board. And Chris Carosa was appointed as the Deputy Town Historian. Good to have those Boards back up to full count. And good to have a historian, less we find ourselves condemned to repeat it.

      There was discussion around amending the Personnel Policy, but no change was made. It sounds like the Board is in general agreement, but legal counsel is still working out details of the language. I’m also unclear on details, but the proposed change pertains to sick time when injury on the job. Maybe next month we’ll have a change to approve/deny.

      The Highway department is looking to hire a new employee to replace one expected to retire in July. Apparently there are timing issues on some of the details, but they want to start looking now. I got the impression the new hire would be trained by the retiring one, so there would be a degree of overlap.

      And there were three extra vouchers added on to the end of the Agenda. I’m sure there was a story at to why they weren’t bundled in with the rest. But from listening to them, I couldn’t detect any rhyme or reason.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 29, 2024 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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