Mendon Town Board 2023-12-28

      The evening of 2023-12-28 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      National Grid is planning for a power outage on January 6, 2024, from ~8AM to ~5PM. Probably the most significant thing that came up during tonight’s meeting. There will likely be a formal press release soon, but until then, information is available on both the Town and Village websites.

      Besides that, this meeting felt like it was called for the primary purpose of approving vouchers just before the end of the year. But as they were meeting, other items were discussed.

      There is apparently a new ‘smoke shop’ at 3913 Rush Mendon Rd. Not much more than that was said. The Town, and by extension the Code Enforcement Officer, is aware.

      It was Karen Jenkins last meeting as a Board member. She finished out her term and I wish her well on whatever adventure she is off to next.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 28, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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