Mendon Town Board 2023-12-11

      The evening of 2023-12-11 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      A reminder to license you dogs was offered. Primarily due to the potential complication that could arise if not licensed. While it does sound like a good idea, it also brought to mind the phrase ‘Nice dog, shame if something happened to it.‘ While I literally have no dog in this fight, the requirement by the State does feel like a bit of overreach.

      Timing can be important. The agenda was modified, swapping two items around (12 and 18, as publicized), for the benefit of a resident who was in the room. I wholeheartedly agree with this, both as a general practice and in this situation. Guests at meetings are rare enough, if they are only there for a particular item that should be moved as early as possible.

      Amusingly enough, swapping those items did have the side effect of scheduling a Public Hearing for a meeting that was not yet approved to happen. Now the meetings were approved later on, so it all worked out in the end. But it also highlight how procedures are there for the benefit of those involved. Stick to them most of the time, because they are useful. But sometimes, adjust as the situation warrants. In any case, I found it amusing.

      Similar timing oddity, there was a gap in health insurance coverage for Town staff. During the discussion, they talked about staff hired before 2010 or after 2018. Nothing said for the time in between (say 2015). When brought up, it was mentioned that will be covered at the January Organizational meeting. So not overlooked, just not for tonight’s discussion. Although, it would also be amusing if there was no one hired in that time period, thus no need to consider coverage.

      The discussion around health insurance policy was also interesting in how they addressed details. My take away was that the proposed changes, while simple in concept, might have larger impacts that weren’t completely understood yet. Which makes the decision to approve a small change, while tabling the bulk of them, understandable. If it doesn’t need to be done now, and unintended consequences seem likely, best to allow time for consideration.

      ‘Final Payment’ for the Spray Park was approved. Although there was an agenda item removed about a ‘Mutual Release’. That has me thinking that, while this may be the ‘Final Payment’, it won’t be the last time the construction challenges are addressed. Time will tell.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 11, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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