Mendon Library Trustees 2023-12-04

      The evening of 2023-12-04 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

      The library has been decorated as a gingerbread house. Including having multiple gingerbread houses inside it. Fittingly, there was gingerbread to eat at the meeting.

      This is the last meeting of the year for this group. As the last few expenses to pay are pre-approved utilities, no need for a last minute meeting, as sometimes happens. Convenient when it can work this way.

      Accordingly, there was some review of the years expenses. I heard they were under budget, although missed the exact numbers. I’m sure that will be discussed in more detail next meeting, when this year is actually over.

      On that note, next years meeting dates and library closed dates were approved. Probably the only thing of note is the closing for the April 8 eclipse. I’m of the opinion it should be treated as just another day. But if everyone wants to go crazy about it, closing to minimize hassle at the library does seem reasonable enough. With our weather, odds are the sun will be covered by clouds regardless.

      The library logo was ‘fixed up‘. Sounds like they didn’t have a high enough resolution version for some planned uses. So instead of using a pixelated mess, they had it redrawn.

      For those of you who have avoided returning books due to fines, Happy New Year. Come January 1, the Mendon Public Library is fine free. I’ll admit to having mixed thoughts here. Learning to stick to due dates has value, as does learning responsibility by paying the fine. That it enables more people to access the material is also good. But, it’s also just another thing for the staff to worry about. Simplicity has it’s own value.

      The library will be represented by Elephant & Piggie in the December 9th parade. While the significance of those animals was lost on me, that’s this Saturday. Get out and enjoy the parade.

      The Trustees approved their officers for next year. Which was amusing, as they may also do this at their next meeting. Apparently one section of their bylaws require this be done at the December meeting (5.1), while another the January one (6.2). Which is the thing about bylaws, they are for their groups benefit. Anything unclear or no longer relevant should be adjusted as needed. Perhaps they will be using ‘Article IV – Amendments’ to do just that at a future meeting.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 04, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Library website until they update it, losing the past.

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