Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2023-12-12

      The evening of 2023-12-12 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      The sports boosters have taken to holding their meetings in the chow hut. Because too few people are signing up to help. Sign up to help out, give them a chance to sit down for meetings. To paraphrase what was said during the Committee update portion of the meeting.

      There was a public comment, I think from Mark Luxemberg (but could be wrong there). I’m pretty sure I’m wrong on his message, because it made little sense to me. To such an extent, I’m not even going to attempt to repeat it. I’d more likely mangle it. Apart from saying that it felt like I was missing alot of context. It wasn’t the only topic tonight were I felt that.

      During Gene’s Superintendent Report, he took the opportunity to discuss bullying. Apparently something happened, but the details were vague. As he pointed out, confidentiality isn’t optional for him. It’s a requirement. Fair enough.

      Attempting to read between the lines, it sounds like someone (a student?) made up an event about another student (who has autism?). Which then a parent (and other adults?) ran with on social media (that bastion of well thought out and reasoned discussions). Which turned a non-issue on campus into… something else? I got the sense it devolved into a case of school district vs online community. How’s the old joke about arguing on the internet go?

      Regardless of my speculation, Gene seemed to think the District and it’s staff handled things well. As did the students (after being educated?). I did like how he suggested we take the “let’s be nice” approach more often. This is generally good advice in most any situation. And felt like another way to say ‘love one another‘ or ‘love your neighbor‘. Directions from that guy who’s birth we celebrate on the 25th. Can’t go wrong there.

      In the end, I think there was too little information for me to really comment on… How well the situation was handled by the District, or if the public overreact, or if we forget to ‘trust but verify‘, or much of anything. Yet I managed to write the above, so…

      Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC) membership was approved. 6 members, of the 12, are new. So if you would also like to join, you wouldn’t be the only new member to the group. In the interests of full disclosure, I’m one of the PBAC members this year. And last year, and years before

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 12, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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