Mendon Town Board 2023-11-13

      The evening of 2023-11-13 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The bulk of this meeting was around next years budget. While it was approved in the end, there was some discussion and number crunching to get there. That it was approved 3 to 2 implies that at least some of that process was to reach a situation the majority was on the same page about.

      Besides the budget and it’s related actions, which felt like it was the majority of the meeting, there was the normal sort of items.

      Rules for the Mendon Youth Center were adopted. There was also discussion around a code of conduct/policy/employee guidelines, but that was not approved. Good discussion which I think will be helpful in producing a more streamlined end product. In the meantime, I expect rules will be on the wall before too long.

      There was an interesting bit during the ‘Communications’ section of the agenda, which was ironic in that it implies poor communications. Or maybe there is another explanation. Either way, there was some back and forth about how to get things done. In the end, it seems to have all worked out. Which is both good and to be expected. But it also serves to illustrate how important actual communication is, and how difficult it can be.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the November 13, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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