Honeoye Falls Village Board 2023-11-20

      The evening of 2023-11-20 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Unusual for this group, they had executive session before the meeting. That’s more common from the School district. Either way, the public portion of the meeting started more or less on time.

      Amusingly enough, school taxes must still be paid for the old Critics restaurant. They didn’t go into enough details so I could tell if it was for whatever time it was still a private business, or if it still counts even though it’s now owned by a municipality. Regardless, I found it amusing to hear just another way the school gets the lions share of property taxes.

      Right next door at the Fire Department, the process of hiring per-diem staff continues. It sounds like they aren’t formally hired yet, but that’s more about the technicalities then anything else. Need to get through the processes (background checks, drug tests, equipment fittings, etc), but the Village has committed to it. To paraphrase Rick (Mayor) speaking to Cory (Fire Chief), they can start work as soon as the Department is ready for them.

      Next door in a different direction, the former GdB office (or Oppedisano’s, for those with longer memories) building has a new owner. And that owner is getting ready for a new tenant to open a cannabis dispensary. All sorts of steps still need to be done first, but tonight the Village was formally given the Notice of Application. As I understand the process, now it’s in the State’s hands.

      And across the street, usage of Harry Allen Park was approved for the Annual Living Nativity on December 17th at 6:30PM. Approval was technical for more time then that, but that’s when the event is if you want to join in. Full disclosure: I’m involved with this event.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the November 20, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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