Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2023-10-02

      The evening of 2023-10-02 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      70 Monroe Street wants to build an addition. Sounded like it would be primarily adding to the second floor. There was some discussion around the details, but it was approved with little fanfare. Seemed pretty straightforward.

      The new owners of 10 Ontario were in for a concept discussion, which meant no formal action tonight. They want to renovate to have two apartments in the building, instead of the current one apartment upstairs and commercial space downstairs. Parking appears to be the biggest complication, with various potential solutions tossed around. My sense was it now falls to the applicant to use what was discussed to put together an actual application. Or not, as they see fit.

      Once the formal business of the evening was done, the Board had a more general discussion with David (Code Enforcement Officer) about various situations in the Village. Jumped around a bit, touching on many things. Felt like a mix of keeping everyone updated on what has been going on, what might be coming down the pipe, and just chatting. I find it interesting when they have this sort of unguided chat. It serves as a reminder that while these are officials acting on Village business, they are also people that live in the Village. Unelected bureaucrats, sure, but ones that have to live with the outcome of their actions. Just like you and me.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the October 02, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Online copy of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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