General Election Pending 2023-11-07

      As usual this time of year, there is an upcoming election. The actual vote will be held Tuesday November 7th, 2023. For those who also live in Honeoye Falls, the polling station is the Mendon Community Center, known to some as the Legion Hall.

      As usual, we have a number of elected positions to vote on, as well as approving (or not) a pair of amendments to the State Constitution.

For State Supreme Court Justice 7th Judicial District we have Margot J Garant, Alex R Renzi, and Joe Waldorf running. Pick two.
      It looks like Garant is running more to get off the ballot in Brookhaven (Suffolk County) than any other reason. Or so I read. Stranger things have happened.

For County Executive we have Adam J Bello or Mark W Assini running.

For Family Court Judge we have Maria J Cubillos-Reed, Kristine M Demo-Vazquez, Maroun G Ajaka, and Dandrea L Ruhlmann running. Pick two.

For County Legislator, 5th District we have Terry H Daniele and Richard B Milne running.

      For various unopposed positions we have:
For District Attorney, Sandra J Doorley
For Town Supervisor, John D Moffitt
For Town Clerk, Michelle S Booth
For Town Justice, Stephen A Maxon
For Member of Town Council, Thomas G Dubois and Kimberly L Roberts (Pick Two)
For Superintendent of Highways, Andrew G Caschetta
      Although it looks like Peter Doyle is running a write-in campaign for Superintendent of Highways. Another unusual occurrence this election.

      Finally, there are two state constitution amendments.

The details vary between the two amendments, but they are both about removing certain limits on debt. As I am of the opinion debt is dangerous at best, and outright slavery at worst, I expect I’ll be voting against both the amendments. As pointed out previously, debt makes the borrower slave to the lender. And, as we all should know, slavery is not a good thing. While treating all schools the same has value, and sewage is important to deal with, I find the limiting of debt more important. The ability to find a way to live within our means is arguably one of the greatest sign of a mature society. Instead of continuing to run up debt, oblivious to the inevitable disaster that creates.

      That being said, I won’t tell you how to vote, that’s your choice to make. Do your own research and decide for yourself.

In the interests of full disclosure: I am registered as a Republican. Not that we should let the letter next to a name decide our votes. I am of the opinion we should join political groups if/when we believe they are a good way to maintain what is good and/or improve what isn’t. At this time, I think the Republican party, as an organization, is one method for that. Individual candidates are their own people and should, of course, be evaluated on their own merits.

      And those are some opinions on this upcoming election. Now you’ve got a week to figure out how you will vote.

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