Mendon Town Board 2023-09-11

      The evening of 2023-09-11 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The highlight of the meeting was probably the 2024 Tentative Budget Presentation. John (Supervisor) went through his presentation, going over his recommendation for next years budget. It included a levy increase, but within the tax cap legislation. Mind you, this year that limit is ~2.3%/2.9% (depending on if you are in the Village or not). Sounds like that increase leads to ~$80k revenue, of which ~$70k is gobbled up between the Ambulance and insurance.

      Now it’s in the hands of the Town Board to adjust or approve, as they see fit. If the process follows past years, I would expect it to be adopted at the October meeting.

      Some of the school buses are apparently getting their fuel from the highway department. Appears to be a side effect of their ongoing capitol project. The school will likely go back to using their own fuel tanks once the project (or at least this phase) finishes. In the meantime, it’s good that the Town can help out.

      If you need a mammogram, free ones are being provided on September 30 at the Mendon Community Center. Sign up may not be technically required, but it is strongly encouraged.

      The Mendon Youth Center is reopening on October 2. Before that, there will be an open house September 21, from 6:30-7:30PM. For those of you that are (or have) middle school age (grade 6-8) kids.

      The first Short Term Rental approval under the new law happened. Someone had to be first, and I applaud Angela for enduring the process to get there. In the interests of full disclosure, I sit on the Town Zoning Board, and saw this application from that side of the table.

      Perhaps the most interesting item tonight was something that didn’t happen. A payment to Whitney East for the Splash Park was not made. The item was removed from the agenda at the start of the meeting. While details were not discussed, I would speculate this implies too many outstanding issues to justify payment at this time. Maybe it will be back on the next agenda, maybe not.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 11, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

There was also a Village Trustee meeting tonight. Alas, I cannot be in two places at once. So I was at this meeting and not that one. Which means tomorrow I get to ask the office staff how the recording went. Having those is a mixed topic, but I do like having the option in situations like this. Isn’t even close to being in the room for the meeting. But is better then reading the minutes…

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