Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2023-09-26

      The evening of 2023-09-26 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Tonight Rhonda (BoE Clerk) was recognized for her many years service. Always nice to celebrate those that quietly keep everything running, year after year. Even if it’s sad to see them go. Eh, such is the cycle of life.

      Two Student Board Representatives were sworn in. Always good to hear from the students. Although, as was pointed out, these representatives have a mixed attendance history. To some extent understandable, at their age there are so many other things to do. BoE meetings aren’t for everyone. But, as came up during the Extracurricular Code of Conduct discussion later, following through on commitments is important. Of course, so is learning, which is arguably why kids go to school.

      During the regular committee reports, it was mentioned there had been two incidents of the safety kind recently. One was at Lima, which sounded like police chasing a car. So the building locked itself up until the situation was resolved. Apparently the deputy on site is already showing his value. From context, the kids were never at risk as everything was off campus.

      The other one was at the High School, without enough detail to say much. Apart from it apparently prompting discussion about if the campus should remain ‘open’. Which implies students were at risk due to a stranger? Would be nice to know what happened, at least in a general sense. Did the stranger (almost?) hit students with a vehicle? Or did they forget to pickup after their dog? Both might justify reviewing policy, but there is a world of difference between them.
Update: I had asked the question at the meeting, and received an email answer, stating the issue was a former student loitering at the High School. In line with a comment made during the meeting about not spreading rumors, updating here with the information I now have. And a thank you to Rhonda and Gene for reaching out to answer my question.

      During Gene’s Superintendent report a waiver to a portion of the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) was discussed. Long story short, HFL is rural enough to qualify for not doing the ‘unannounced observation’ portion of the review. Interesting discussion, and in the end the Board went along with the recommendation to pursue the waiver. While it sounds like this could lead to a little less accountability, it’s mostly a case of nonsensical regulations. Which is, unfortunately, the case all too often. Greater Western New York anyone?

      The Extracurricular Code of Conduct discussion picked up where it left off last time, focused on quitting penalties. There was a lot of great discussion, with the various pros and cons covered. Even had some Robert’s procedural amusement. In the end, they appear to have approved the proposed changes, including vaguely defined quitting penalties. That vagueness should be mostly mitigated between Brian (Athletics) having oversite and this issue cropping up about once a decade.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 26, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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