Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2023-06-05

      The evening of 2023-06-05 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      The applicant that showed up had their request for an addition approved. The one that didn’t show up was for a ‘concept discussion’, so they will likely come back at some point.

      The addition itself sounded straightforward enough, as these things tend to. But there were some interesting details around the edges.

      The garage will have some terrain challenges, due to the existing landscaping. The planned full basement may not happen, depending on what the bedrock does. And the County will have to weigh in on the plan to change the ‘curb cut’. In quotes, since it’s apparently not a ‘real’ curb cut, and they want to turn half of it into grass.

      Like I said, interesting details, but nothing to deny the request for, as it doesn’t directly impact the core of the project.

      After that was some interesting discussion on a variety of topics. From what property has recently changed hands (or wants to), to complaints about ‘string lights‘, and the upcoming opening of Bleak House Books.

      The potential next meeting also came up, and that it would be on July 3. Considering what happens the next day, they opted to reschedule that meeting to July 10. Assuming there even is a meeting, as there would need to be an applicant first. Either way, I’m sure formal notice will be made in due time.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 5, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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