Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2023-06-27

      The evening of 2023-06-27 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Most exciting portion of the meeting was discussion about Sunday’s graduation event. Sounds like it all went well, which is both good and expected. According to Gene (Superintendent), 99% of the graduates have Regents diplomas and 70% are going on to college next year. He also pointed out that, despite it being summer, there are still plenty of people in the building, doing all sorts of activities.

      For the number of items on the Agenda, there was rather little discussion. Which wasn’t really a surprise, as they didn’t seem to be items needing much discussion. Meeting dates are needed for next year, shall we approve them? Committee memberships are needed for next year, shall we approve them? Gifts have been offered, shall we accept them?

      The Security Services agreement was approved with no discussion by the Board. As there was considerable discussion at the Public Hearing last meeting, it’s not like they didn’t do their due diligence.

      Price for meals (breakfast and lunch, because both those are provided at HFL) looks to be increasing by 10 cents next year. Which is apparently the maximum the State allows in any one year, even if it won’t cover the increase in costs. It reminded me of the tax cap. I wonder if the State wants to make finances more challenging for other municipalities. Not that tax (or meal) increases are a good thing. But it should be up to the people who would be paying those costs to make that decision. Kind of the flip side of ‘no taxation without representation‘, no restrictions when there is local representation. Or some such. Something for better wordsmiths then I to figure out, for the next time we need a Declaration.

      This will be Amy West and Jeff Klein last meeting, at least in their current roles as Board Members. There will be two new people to fill their seats next time. Although it was mentioned one of them is not expected to be at the reorganizational meeting. Which just means they get appointed to all the committees, right?

      And as it was that time again, Board members stated their interest (or lack thereof) in being President or Vice President next year. From what was said, I’m predicting Caralyn Ross for President and Christopher Neff for Vice President. Join us next meeting to find out how right (or wrong) my prediction is…

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 27, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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