Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2023-04-04

      The evening of 2023-04-04 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      One application which was approved, and one concept discussion.

      The application was for the first step towards an indoor horse riding facility. Tonight was to get the variance for being too close to the side lot line. Future meetings will still be needed for approval to actually build. Site Plan, SEQR, etc. As it’s one of those properties that is technically in the Village, but feels like it’s outside, I don’t see any of that being an issue. Just need to go through the steps of the process.

      Discussion was for turning the old Tichenor Furniture Services into an apartment building. As I’m pretty sure the buildings to both sides are also apartments, this seems fitting with the area. While it would be nice if it was still Tichenor’s business, change is part of life. Better used for housing then not used at all. As it was ‘concept discussion’, there was no firm decision made in any regard here, but the Board seemed in favor of the project. Would need future approval before anything would be done.

      As an aside, this group normally meets on Monday, but as last night was the Village’s Annual Meeting, they opted to meet tonight. While I prefer sticking to well defined schedules, I can see the logic. No time pressure after the Annual Meeting, and enough people had Tuesday evening available to work with tonight.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 4, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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