Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2023-04-11

      The evening of 2023-04-11 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      It was one of those meetings where Gene’s (Superintendent) report kind of took over the meeting. Or at least that was my feeling of it, the recording will offer a more objective measure, if you care about that sort of thing.

      Before Gene, Amy Thomas of the Monroe County School Boards Association (MCSBA) gave an overview of what that organization does. It did feel a bit sales pitchy, but I guess that’s what happens when you try to impress people with all the things you can do.

      After Gene, Act for Educations webcasts were promoted again. In particular, one on School Board Member Service. It looks like they put out a new one every month or so.

      As followup to last meetings ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ workshop there was some discussion among the Board. What stood out to me the most was the idea that gathering student cellphone numbers would allow reaching out to them in the future. Likely illegal for privacy reasons, but also one of those ‘blinding glimpse of the obvious’. Seems like I wasn’t the only one who thought it was a new idea. Which may show age more then anything else. When I was in school, students with cellphones were rare. But at this point, I’d expect most (if not all) high school students to have them. Whether that’s good or bad is another topic, but if they have the tool, might as well find ways to use it.

      As to Gene’s report, the highlights were ceiling projects, HFL oversimplified season two, and the budget.

      Last week a ceiling replacement project took advantage of the kids being out for break. Makes sense, as otherwise it would be rather disruptive work. And by the sounds of it, the students are unlikely to even notice the work was done. Which, arguable, is the sign of a project well done.

      Following on last years HFL Oversimplified videos, there is now a season two. So far, just two videos, but it sounds like there will be a few more. Tonight we saw one on BOCES and another the BOE. I’m sure they will be shared in all the usual places.

      And next years budget was discussed, this time for the Board to formally adopt. Unlike the State, who can apparently extend their deadlines at will, the BoE has to stick to a schedule. I didn’t see anything different from the last presentation here, total is still ~$60 million, levy increase of 1.94%. Buses will be on the ballot, and the verbiage will imply debt, but the plan is to once again pay for them with cash.

      Ironically, the most interesting part of the budget presentation wasn’t local, it was the State. It seems like bail reform and/or housing are the most contentious issues. And the claim was made there is unlikely to be any impact on money to the school. Yet at the same time, I’m reading things about an increase in charter schools. Between all the changes in our culture of late, and competition from other options, I wouldn’t be surprised if things change in public schools. Regardless, I’m firmly of the opinion that we shouldn’t look to government to solve our problems, or complete our budgets. So it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 11, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording will likely be available soon.

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