Honeoye Falls Annual Meeting 2023-04-03

      The evening of 2023-04-03 was the Honeoye Falls Annual Meeting, and before that the Public Hearing for next years Budget.

      The budget was approved, although I will admit I am uncertain what the levy increase is. A number of numbers were mentioned, but in the end the one that is likely most important is the tax rate per 1000, which looks to be ~$2.65. While knowing more can be helpful, at the end of the day it’s the number that most directly impacts personally that matters. Which goes to ‘how much am I paying?’, which the rate per 1000 will let you figure out.

      As usual for this meeting, the budget hearing is opened, there are no real comments, and the hearing is left open as people trickle in for the Annual Meeting that follows. Which can lead to some interesting discussion.

      For example, much of this years budget challenges are being attributed to fallout from the covid panic. And perhaps related to that, new staff seem less interested in pensions and more interested in hourly rates. Has a couple years of panicking caused our collective time horizon to shrink? No longer looking out decades, but now only to the next paycheck? Likely other factors in play, but there is always risk in becoming too focused on now. To be fair, there is also risk in not placing enough focus on now…

      After the budget was approved, it was on to the Annual Meeting. Much as usual, appointments and official this and that. One of these days I’ll see a quick and efficient version. Credit where it’s due, Rick (Mayor) did try to streamline in a few spots. And there were also a number of new people in new positions, which should be called out as such.

      Big highlight there was Stan stepping down after his many tears service, and Will stepping up to fill his seat. No surprise, as this was obvious from the names on the ballot at the recent election. But there were a number of kind words said. And cake, but I suspect the words will be treasured more.

      Rick gave his annual ‘state of the village’ speech. Overall, he seemed hopeful for the future, even as he acknowledged challenges that would need to be addressed. In many ways that is a leaders job. Recognize the difficulties that must be overcome, while also being hopeful that just that can be done.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 3, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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